Change teachers, academic leads and staff assigned to registers and timetable slots

This article provides a guide on how to change teachers, academic leads, and staff assigned to registers and timetable slots in a school system. It covers the necessary permissions, steps to add or remove form tutors and academic leads, bulk updating options, and managing staff for specific lessons. It emphasizes the importance of using the Cover area for absent staff and provides detailed instructions for various scenarios.

To see which staff are assigned to each class, take a look at our Timetabling FAQs.


You'll need the Academic Structure: Administer permission to give staff access to registers through timetable slots or by assigning them as the Academic Lead. If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

Registration Form Tutors or academic leads

Registration Form tutors

Go to Students > Enrolment > Registration forms and select the form.



If there is no form tutor assigned, click +Add to add the form tutor. Be sure to tick the box to make them the form Tutor for the course too.



If there is already a form tutor, you can add another form tutor to allow both staff to be joint form tutors or you can remove the initial staff member by clicking their name, clicking Edit and either deleting their assignment or adding an end date.

Click on the existing incorrect teacher under Form Tutors.  



Click Edit and either amend the end date of the incorrect form tutor to reflect the appropriate dates, or delete them if they never should have been the lead for this class. Then click Save Changes.



Once the staff member has been removed or had an end date inputted, they will no longer have the registers in their calendar. If the staff member still has the Attendance: Administer All Students permission they will still be able to access all registers but the classes will no longer appear in their calendar.

Course and class Academic Leads

This option is most appropriate for schools with a timetable set up in Arbor (mainly secondary schools).  If your school has only registration sessions for AM and PM classes, please see the section above. Go to School > Programmes > Courses and select the appropriate course.



If there is no academic lead assigned, click +Add



If the wrong teacher has been assigned, click on the existing incorrect teacher in the Academic lead section.



Click Edit and either amend the end date of the incorrect form tutor to reflect the appropriate dates, or delete them if they never should have been the lead for this class. Then click Save Changes.

If the staff member should be removed from all related modules, the box for 'apply for component modules' should be ticked.



Once the staff member has been removed or had an end date inputted, they will no longer have the registers in their calendar. If the staff member still has the Attendance: Administer All Students permission they will still be able to access all registers but the classes will no longer appear in their calendar.



Bulk updating Academic Leads or Form Tutors

There are two ways to bulk update Academic Leads:

Bulk updating academic leads or form tutors

Go to School > Programmes > Courses > Table View.

Tick the boxes down the left-hand side of the courses you want to change the staff for, and click the Bulk action button to select Bulk Update Academic Leads.



In the slide over, you'll see the option to add an effective date (you can set this to a date in the future if you don't want this change to happen straight away), and a Remove and Add field. When planning for the next academic year, we'd recommend setting the first day of your next academic year.

You can select all the staff to remove from this slot and all the staff to add, all at once. Just start typing the names into each box to select them, then click Change academic leads.






Staff assigned only to certain lessons (e.g. Teaching assistants)

Amending the staff who can take certain registers in bulk

Go onto School > Timetable > Timetable Administration > Timetable SlotsUse the filter panel at the top of the page and filter your timetable slots by subject, course/class or year group to help you identify lessons that have the same teacher or are in the same room.

Tick the timetable slots that need to have more staff members added onto or removed from, then click on Change staff.



In the slide over, you'll see the option to add an effective date (you can set this to a date in the future if you don't want this change to happen straight away), and a Remove and Add field.

You can select all the staff to remove from this slot and all the staff to add, all at once. Just start typing the names into each box to select them, then click Change Staff.



The staff will then be updated, and the staff member will be able to take the register for this class.

Top Tip: To remove a staff member from all slots, select all of the timetable slots and select Change Staff. Then select the staff to remove.


Amending the staff who can only take certain registers for one lesson

Go to School > Programmes > Courses and select the appropriate course.

In the Classes and Lessons section, click +Add to add a new staff member to the lesson or click the lesson to amend the staff member for.



Click the existing staff member, and click into the staff member's current dates.



Amend the End date to the last day they will be teaching this lesson, then click Save Changes.



Next, click to add a new staff member to the timetable slot.



Select the new staff member, then set the Effective date as the first date they will be teaching this lesson, then click Add Staff.


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