Copy Academic Leads from timetable slot staff

This article explains how to automatically set Academic Leads for courses by copying staff assigned to timetable slots. It details the necessary permissions, the bulk copying process, and addresses FAQs regarding future staff assignments and removal of Academic Leads.

To set Academic Leads for courses you can either set them manually, or use the instructions below to automatically set any staff who've been assigned to your timetable slots as Academic Leads. This then enables your teachers to mark your assessments.

This is particularly useful after importing from Edval, as Academic Leads are not set automatically after importing your timetable.


You will need the School: Academic Structure: Administer permission.  If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Bulk copying the academic leads

For example, we're going to copy the teacher over for Art. Here you can see from School > Programmes > Courses that there isn't an Academic Lead for 7Ar/1 but Sofia is assigned to the timetable slot.




To set Sofia as the Academic Lead, go to the Table View from the left-hand menu.

Tick the courses you want to copy timetable slot staff to the Academic Lead for, click the Bulk action button, and select Copy Timetabled Staff to Academic Leads.



In the slide over, click Copy staff.



Sofia is now added to as the Academic Lead for the course, with the same dates she was assigned to the timetable slot for.

Top Tip: This process happens in the background, so if you've selected a large amount of courses, please refresh your page and wait a few minutes.




How does this work for future staff?

This process will assign the Academic Leads for staff who are assigned to the timetable slot in the future. However, the Academic Lead column only shows current Academic Leads, so won't show your future staff until their start date has passed. 

How do we remove staff?

There isn't a way to remove the assignment of the Academic Leads in bulk. If you've added them by mistake, you'll need to click on the course, click on the Academic Lead and remove them one by one.


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