Room locations have changed back for lessons or events

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You may find that changes you've made to the locations of some of your classes have reverted back to their original room.

How does this happen?

This can occur if:

  1. you used the Moving a class for one lesson instructions in this article to move the location from the Lesson Dashboard.
  2. then the start and/or end dates of your academic calendar are changed. This causes a refresh of all timetable slots in the background, which can revert them to the location linked to the timetable slot.
  3. you have swapped weeks A and B in your two-week timetable. This causes a refresh of timetable slots in the background, which will revert them to the location linked to the timetable slot.

As such, we recommend to use the Room Changes or TimeTable Slots areas to move rooms, and prevent this issue from occurring.

What do we need to do?

You'll need to set the locations again using either the Room Changes or TimeTable Slots areas to move rooms, shown in this article: Moving a class to a different room

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How does this happen?