How can I delete a site or room?

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This article explains how to delete a site or room in Arbor if they are no longer in use. It requires the 'School: General Admin: Administer' permission. The process involves navigating to the appropriate section, selecting the site or room, and confirming the deletion.

If you are no longer using a site or room you can delete this from your Arbor so it no longer appears to be booked.

To delete a site or room you'll need the School: General Admin: Administer permission. If you don't have this permission, ask your admin team to assign it to you.

Deleting a site

Head to School > Timetable > Sites & Rooms > Sites.

Choose the site you want to delete and click on it.



On the next page, scroll to the bottom and click on the red Delete button. Finally, click on the red Delete button on the pop-up.



Deleting a room

Head to School > Timetable > Sites & Rooms > Rooms. Choose the room you want to delete and click on it.



Click on Room Name and make sure the Exam Room box is unticked, then click the Save Changes button.



Click the red Delete Room button. Top Tip: You'll need to add any exam candidates who were in this room to another room following these instructions.


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Deleting a site