Creating and managing events

Please note: This article covers events such as sports days, bake sales etc. You won't be able to use events for standard school timetabled sessions such as classes, interventions etc.


  • Academic structure: Administer - View and click into all school events from the All Timetabled Events (List)
  • School: Action: Calendar: Administer - Create, edit or delete any events for staff, students and guardians.
  • Staff profile: Action: Calendar: Administer - Create, edit or delete any events for staff.
  • Student profile: Action: Calendar: Administer All/My Students - Create, edit or delete any events for students, associated guardians and staff.

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Creating an event

You can import events, (such as PPA or non-teaching activities) as part of a TimeTabler import, or create it manually (shown below).

Where can I create events from?

From the Calendar

Click on your calendar on the Homepage, or go to My Items > My Calendar.


On your calendar, click the time slot where you would like to add the event.


From the Arbor Dashboard

From your Homepage, select Create Event from your Favourites menu if you have added events to your favourites. See this article on the Favourites bar in Arbor for more information.

How to create the event

Creating the event

Fill in the slide over with the event details. Choose whether the event should flag as cover required when a staff member is marked absent. You can toggle this setting later if needed - see the instructions here: Set events as cover required or not required

  • If it is a single event, fill in the details in the Single School Event section.
  • If it is an event that will repeat, fill in the details in the Repeating School Event section.

Please note: You can only add one location for an event, so if the time will be split between rooms you may wish to set up multiple events.

When you are happy with the event, click the right button. In this example, I'm creating a single event, so I need to click the Create school event button.




To add participants, you can also click the green + button and select participants using the pop-up.

Top Tip: To add Future Staff Members to an event, their start date must already have began. If not, you won't be able to select them. Ensure the staff member's assigned Arbor business role will be active when they are due to take part in the event. For details on how to view a staff member's start date, see this article here: Managing Business Roles



The event will then appear in all participant's calendars on their Homepage, and on their My Calendar page. 



Navigating to the Event Overview

I am a participant in the event

Please note, to be able to edit, delete or remove the event straight from your calendar, you must have added yourself as a participant.

Just click the event in your calendar to access the Event Overview.



On the Event Overview, you can see event details, upload attachments and see a list of participants. You'll see different tabs along the top depending on whether the event is a single session or repeating event.


I am not a participant in the event

If you did not add yourself to the event, you can access the event from School > Timetable > School Events pages.



Click into the event to access the overview to edit the details or change the participants. You'll see different tabs along the top depending on whether the event is a single session or repeating event.




Editing or deleting an event

For details on how to toggle if cover is required, see this article: Set events as cover required or not required

For a single event

Editing the event

On the Event Overview, you can edit any information with an arrow next to it.



To edit event details, select a field in the School Event Details section and update the information in the slide over.


Removing a participant or choose whether they are required to attend

To remove a participant, click their name.



In the slide over, click the Remove participant button.

Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 15.50.12.png


Please note, you can only remove participants if they were added individually. If they were added as part of a group, they cannot be deleted and the button will be grey. To remove these users you would have to delete the event and create a new one.

Adding participants

To add a new participant or group of participants, click +Add

Top Tip: To add Future Staff Members to an event, their start date must already have began. If not, you won't be able to select them. Ensure the staff member's assigned Arbor business role will be active when they are due to take part in the event. For details on how to view a staff member's start date, see this article here: Managing Business Roles


Deleting the event

To delete the school event, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Cancel School Event button.



In the slide over, click the Cancel school event button again. This will cancel the event for all participants.




For a repeating event

Editing the event

On the Event Overview, select the School Event tab to edit only this instance of the event.



Select the Repeating School Event tab to edit all the events in the series.



You can edit any information with an arrow next to it.

You can edit the timetable slot by clicking into this section, and clicking Edit.



Removing a participant

To remove a participant, click their name.



In the slide over, click the Remove participant button.

Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 15.50.12.png


Please note, you can only remove participants if they were added individually. If they were added as part of a group, they cannot be deleted and the button will be grey and unclickable. To remove these users you would have to delete the event and create a new one.

Adding and removing participants

To add a new participant or group of participants, click +Add

Top Tip: To add Future Staff Members to an event, their start date must already have began. If not, you won't be able to select them. Ensure the staff member's assigned Arbor business role will be active when they are due to take part in the event. For details on how to view a staff member's start date, see this article here: Managing Business Roles



You can also add staff to specific slots, for example all the slots on Monday but not on Wednesday. To do this, click into the timetable slot.



Click +Add in the Staff section.



Select the staff and the dates they will attend, then click Add Staff. They'll be added to the timetable slot, and the list of staff in Repeating Event Participants.



Please note that if you remove the staff member from the Repeating Event Participants section, you'll also need to remove the staff member from the timetable slot.


Deleting the selected session

To delete the single instance of the school event selected, scroll down to the bottom of the School Event tab and click the Cancel School Event button.



In the slide over, untick the Cancel entire series? box to cancel only the current session. Click the Cancel school event button to cancel the event for all participants.


Deleting the whole event

Scroll down to the bottom of the School Event tab and click the Cancel School Event button.



In the slide over, tick the Cancel entire series? box to cancel all the sessions for all participants, then click the Cancel school event button.


Deleting certain sessions

Go to the Repeating School Event tab and tick the boxes next to the sessions to delete. Click the Bulk action button and select Cancel Events



In the slide over, click Cancel school event.


Deleting all of the slots on a certain day

You can delete all timetable slots in the series from the Repeating School Event tab. This is useful if you need to delete all the slots on a Monday, but keep the ones on the Wednesday for example.

Click on the timetable slot.



In the slide over, click Edit.



Click to delete the timetable slot.




If you've deleted all the timetable slots, you can click Delete repeating event.



You can also remove events in bulk from calendars by removing the timetable slots. To do this from School > Timetable > Timetable Administration > Timetable Slots

Tick the box next to the events to delete, then click the Bulk action button to select either:

  • Bulk End Timetable Slots - delete all the scheduled events after a certain date
  • Delete Timetable Slots - delete all the scheduled events



Confirm your changes in the slide over and delete the scheduled events.




Editing events in bulk

There are two pages which allow you to edit your school events in bulk.

Please note that On call rota school events for Emergency Alerts cannot be viewed or edited from here.

From the All School Events page

Go to School > Timetable > School Events > All School Events. From here you can see any school event that is occurring in the date range.

There are two bulk actions you can do from here:

  • Change staff attending the event(s)
  • Change the location of the event(s)

Tick the boxes next to the event you would like to change, go to Bulk Action and click one of the two options to make the required changes. 

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 15.21.39.png


From the Repeating School Events page

Go to School > Timetable > School Events > Repeating School Events (List). From here you can see any Repeating School Events that have an event taking place in the selected date range.

There are three bulk actions you can do from here:

  • Change the Staff attending all future individual events for the Repeating Event
  • Change the School Event Type of the Repeating Event and all linked school events
  • Change whether cover is required for the Repeating Event and all linked school events. Decide if a staff member is absent for one of the events, whether a cover requirement will be created.

Tick the boxes next to the event you would like to change, go to Bulk Action and click one of the options to make the required changes. 

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 15.22.12.png



Can we add more event types?

It is not possible for schools to add event types through Arbor, but you can:

Can we edit or delete event types?

It is not possible for schools to edit or remove existing school event types in Arbor.

Why do the events look like they overlap in my calendar?

Please see our guidance here: Why do events look like they overlap in my calendar?

Why are provisional events showing in calendars?

Events work differently to normal timetable slots, so when you have imported events from TimeTabler they will still appear in calendars if the timetable slot for the event is still Provisional

When the event is changed to Scheduled (by following the final step here) it will not duplicate them, the timetable slot will just change from Provisional to Scheduled

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