Report of leavers who left your school last year

This article explains how to generate a report of students who left your school last year using the Leavers report template. It details the steps to create the report, select date ranges, and view relevant student information such as leaving dates, year groups, and reasons for unenrolment.

You can use our out-of-the-box report to see unenrolment information for students who have left. You can also get some of this information and send communications from the Leavers page: See students who have left

Go to School > Custom Report Writer and click to create a new report. Click the drop-down list to select the Leavers report template, then click the Create Report from Template button.



Select the date range to include students from, then check the report columns. If you don't want to add any further columns, click Skip setup Wizard.



You can then see any students from the last year that have had a leaving date assigned, their year group on leaving, date of birth, destination, unenrolment reason and enrolment note.

You can see more information on how to update this information for students here: Ending a student's enrolment


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