Will students be automatically withdrawn and re-entered if changing courses?

You may have students who move from completing one course to another.

In Arbor, transferring between courses or moving students between courses is not linked to exams.

Once you have moved the student between courses, you will need to:

  1. If you made the entries through Arbor, make sure the original entry file was already submitted. If your entries were migrated to Arbor, make sure any entries files have been submitted and marked as confirmed. This will ensure that changes produce an amendments file.
  2. Withdraw the student from the old entry - see how to do this here: Withdrawing Candidates from EDI Qualifications
  3. Enter the student into the new tier - see how to do this here: Making entries in Arbor

This will then generate an amendment file, for you to send to the awarding organisation. You can see how to do this here.


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