This article will cover the common questions schools have regarding the student profile in Arbor. If you cannot find an answer to your query in this article, check our dedicated section in the Help Centre for more information on this topic.
How do I flag a student as a Refugee or Asylum Seeker?
Go to the Identity section of the student's profile and click the +Add button. From there, click the Nationality option and then select Refugee/Asylum Seeker in the Nationality Status dropdown box.
How do I add a religion to a student's profile?
To add a religion, follow these steps:
- Go to the student's profile.
- Click on the Religion field in the Identity section of the student's profile.
- Select the religion from the dropdown list and then click Save Changes.
Please note: It is not possible to select more than one religion.
Can we add or remove Ethnicity types?
Arbor's list of ethnicities is provided by the DfE's common Basic Data Set. Due to this, it is not possible to add or remove ethnicity types in Arbor.
If you do not see an exact match, you will need to select the most applicable. For more information on this, please contact the DfE.
How do I add ethnicity and ethnicity sources to a student's profile?
To add ethnicity information to a student's profile, you will need the Student Profile: Identity: Administer All/My Students permission. If you have this permission, follow these steps:
- Go to the student's profile and then click Ethnicity in the Identity section at the top of the page.
- Input the ethnicity and ethnicity source and click Save Changes.
To do this in bulk, follow these steps:
- Go to Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Basic Student Details.
- Tick the boxes next to the students that you need to add the ethnicity information for, then click Bulk Action.
- Select Bulk Edit Ethnicity and input the ethnicity in the dropdown box.
- Click the green Bulk Edit ethnicity button.
Can I add a dietary requirement that is not in the existing list?
No, it is not possible to add new dietary requirements. If the requirement isn't on the list, select Other, and add a note to go alongside explaining the dietary requirement. You can see the note when reporting on dietary requirements from the School > Meals > Dietary Requirements page.
Can I set a dual nationality for a student?
No, it is not possible to set a dual nationality for a student. Instead, you would need to record both nationalities. To do this, follow these steps:
- On the student's profile, click the +Add button in the Identity section of the page.
- Select Nationality.
- Select one of the Nationalities from the dropdown menu.
- Click the green Add Nationality button.
- Repeat this process to add their other nationality.
Can we add other Child Protection statuses?
No, it is not possible to add other Child Protection statuses in Arbor. This is because the list of available statuses is defined by the DfE, and we do not control which statuses the DfE requires schools to use. The current statuses allowed are:
- Child Protection Plan
- Child In Need
- Historical
- Monitoring
Why does it ask for a student's marital status on their profile?
A student's profile has the Marital Status field in the Family, Guardians & Contacts section of the profile as the legal age of marriage in the UK (with parental consent) is 16. For this reason, marriage status is a required field as per DfE guidance.
Can we add new demographics?
No, it is not possible to create additional demographics in Arbor. This is due to the demographics available in Arbor being derived from the required list set by the DfE.
How do I see a list of In Year Admissions?
To see a list of your students who are In Year Admissions, follow these steps:
- Go to Students > Demographics > Derived Indicators.
- Select Educational Needs.
- Click on the filter at the top of the page and select In Year Admission in the Demographic field.
- Click Save Changes.
If an In Year Admissions Does not appear in the list, check the Enrolment section of the student's profile to confirm their start date.
Please note: Arbor only counts students as 'In-Year Admissions' if they are enrolled after the first week back at school in the new academic year. This is to avoid discrepancies with enrolment dates either matching the official start of the academic year, or the actual day the students start back at school.
Can I see a list of students who are a particular age?
Yes, you can see all students who are the same age by following these steps:
Go to Students > Demographics > Derived Indicators.
Select Age.
Click into the filters to select an age or filter by student group.
Click Save Changes.
How do I see a list of Service Children and Ever 6 Service Children?
To see a list of Service Children or Ever 6 Service Children, follow these steps:
Go to Students > Demographics > Derived Indicators.
Select Background.
Amend the filters to select Service Child or Ever 6 Service Child.
Can I add a dietary requirement that is not in the existing list?
No, you can't create new dietary requirements. Typing into the box when assigning a dietary requirement to a student or staff member only narrows down the search list.
You can see a full list here: Arbor's list of available Dietary Requirements
If the requirement isn't on the list, select Other, and add a note to go alongside explaining the dietary requirement. You can see the note when reporting on dietary requirements from the School > Meals > Dietary Requirements page.
What is Ever 6 on a student's profile?
- Ever 6 FSM is when a student has a historic FSM status. They will be classed as Ever 6 FSM for 6 years after their FSM eligibility end date.
- Ever 6 Service child is when a student has a historic Service Child Status. They will be classed as Ever 6 Service Child for 6 years after their Service Child end date.
For both Ever 6 FSM and Service Child, the status will keep the Disadvantaged and Pupil Premium Eligible statuses on the profile until the Ever 6 FSM status is over.
How do I add Disability Access Fund (DAF) to a student's profile?
To add DAF to a student's profile, go to the Student Funding section of their profile and click the +Add button. In the slide-over window, select the Funding Type dropdown box and select Disability Access Fund (DAF). Add a start and end date then click Save Changes.
Which demographic indicator tags are shown on student profiles and My Classroom?
On both student profiles and in My Classroom, there are a number of demographic indicators - or tags - that are automatically displayed so that you can see important information about your students more quickly. The below table details all possible tags and their meaning.
Please note - It is not possible to choose which tags show where - if you do not want students to see them, we would recommend not sharing your screen, or not using the Student view in My Classroom.
Tag Abbreviation in My Classroom | Full identifier name |
OAGC | Out of Age Group Cohort |
PP | Pupil Premium Eligible |
Pupil Premium Recipient (profiles only) | |
Has Medical Condition (profiles only) | |
EYPP | Early Years Pupil Premium |
FSM | Free School Meals |
EAL | English as an additional language |
CP | Child Protection |
LA | Looked After (In Care) |
Service Child (profiles only) | |
Traveller (profiles only) | |
In Year Admission (profiles only) | |
SEYA | School/Early Years Action (My Classroom only) |
EHCP | Education, Health and Care Plan (My Classroom only) |
G+T | Gifted & Talented |
G | Gifted |
T | Talented |
SEN | Special Educational Needs Support (My Classroom only) |
Young Carer (profiles only) |
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