How to see students who are EAL (English as an Additional Language)

The EAL section provides a list of students who speak English as an Additional Language, based on their Student Profile. Users can filter to view EAL students or those who are not EAL, and access detailed information about each student.

The EAL section will show you a list of students with English spoken as an additional language, not natively. Students will appear in this table if they have a language other than English listed on their Student Profile as their Native Language.

1. Go to Students> Demographics > Derived Indicators

2. Select Educational Needs.



3. Click into the filters

4. Select EAL.

You can also choose to show the inverse of the demographic - in this example, it would show you everyone who is not EAL.



You can see a list of students, including their name, year groups and registration form.

You can download the table, or click on a student to see more details, or jump to their profile.


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