Add, edit, change or delete Child Protection Statuses or notes

Permissions required

If you don't have these permissions, ask your admin team to assign them to you.

  • Child Protection Status and Notes: Administer All Students or Administer My Students - You will need this permission (along with the View permission) to add, edit or delete a status or note. You can also view the in care history and the child protection students dashboard.
  • Child Protection Status (no notes): View All Students or View My Students - You will only be able to view Child Protection statuses. You will not be able to alter the status or add a new one.
  • Child Protection Status and Notes: View All Students or View My Students - If you don't have this permission, you will not see the Child Protection section of the Student Profile.


Adding a Child Protection Status

Go to the Student Profile and select Child Protection from the left-hand menu.

Click the orange Set Child Protection Status button.



Enter the Child Protection information, then click the green Save Changes button.

For more details, see this article: Can we add other Child Protection Statuses?

Top Tip: Anything added in the Notes section in this slide over will not add a Child Protection Note. These are separate.

They will now have a Child Protection Status in the Child Protection Status History section, and a Child Protection tag on the top of their profile.



Adding a Child Protection Note

Go to the Student Profile and select Child Protection from the left-hand menu.

Click the green +Add button under the Child Protection Notes section. The student does not necessarily need a Child Protection Status in order to add a Child Protection Note.



Enter the information, then click the green Add Note button.



You can also add a note by clicking the Communications/ Notes button on the right hand side of the student profile.



Deleting a Child Protection Status

This is used when a status has been added incorrectly and needs deleting.

Go to the Student Profile and select Child Protection from the left-hand menu. Click on the status in the Child Protection Status History section.


In the slide over, click the orange Edit button then scroll down and click the red Delete button.

The Child Protection Status will now be removed from the profile and the Child Protection tag off the top of the profile.



Deleting a Child Protection Note

This is used when a status has been added incorrectly and needs deleting. 

Go to the Student Profile and select Child Protection from the left-hand menu. Click on the note in the Child Protection Notes section.


In the slide over, click the orange Edit button then scroll down and click the red Delete button.



The note will then be removed from the Child Protection Notes section.



Changing a Child Protection Status

This is used when they are moving from one status to another. 

Go to the Student Profile and select Child Protection from the left-hand menu. Click the Status in the Child Protection Status History section.



In the slide over, click the orange Edit button.

Add an End Date to their current status, then click the green Save Changes button



This will add an end date to their status. 



You will then need to follow the Adding a Child Protection Status section of this article, using the orange Update Child Protection Status button, making the Start Date the date of their new status. It will look something like this, with one ended and one ongoing.



Editing a Child Protection Status or note

This is when their Child Protection Status or note has been inputted incorrectly.

Go to the Student Profile and select Child Protection from the left-hand menu. Click on the Status in the Child Protection Status or note.



Click on the orange Edit button.



Change the information, then click the green Save Changes button.



The status or note will now be updated in the Child Protection Notes section.

Top Tip: You will only see what is inputted in the Summary on this page. To see the Content, you will need to click on the note.


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