Recording boarding patterns for students

This article explains how to record and manage boarding patterns for students in Arbor, including adding details about their boarding schedule and creating custom reports to identify boarding students.

Boarding students are students who stay at your school overnight. In Arbor you can record their boarding pattern for which nights they sleep in your school's custody.

Recording boarding patterns for students

This information is recorded in the Other section of the main student profile page. Please note that it is not possible to update this in bulk for students.

To edit this, you can click +Add or click on the field.



In the slide over you can add relevant dates, the room they board in, and whether they board on each day of the week.



In this example, I've set an end date, as the student will change patterns.



Click on a pattern to add attachments, or click Edit to change the details or Delete the pattern.



How do we identify and report on boarding students

Create a custom report in the Custom Report Writer about students, and set the date range as 'today'.

You can then add the columns for boarding.



You can edit the column if you only want to look at students in a certain room.



You can't filter your report to show students who are not boarders, or students who are down as boarding for at least one day. However, you can sort each column to bring boarders up to the top.


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