- Student Profile - Demographics and Statuses FAQ
- Traveller status
- Recording boarding patterns for students
- How to see students who are EAL (English as an Additional Language)
- Report on ethnicity and BAME
- Why is this student not showing as compulsory school age?
- Sex, Gender and Gender Identity in Arbor and statutory returns
- Add, edit, change or delete Child Protection Statuses or notes
- Add and remove a Service Child status on a Student Profile
- Checking which students are disabled
- Out of Age Group Cohort
- A list of Disadvantaged students and how they are classed as disadvantaged
- Adding and removing a student EAL status
- Seeing a list of Child Protection Students
- Adding a student as Early Years Pupil Premium and seeing a list of all EYPP students
- How to flag a student as a Refugee or Asylum Seeker
- Recording Guardians as Key Workers
- Looked After (In Care) Students
- See Gifted and Talented students
- Adding a Looked After (In Care) or Post Looked After status