Creating Initial Account Balances

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If you have moved from another system to Arbor there will likely be meal balances for students and staff that need to carry over. You can transfer any credit or debt from your previous system by adding starting balances to accounts in Arbor.

Please note that you can only enter initial balances once so please double check you have accounted for all outstanding amounts before completing this.

Which accounts do we use this process for?

This process can be used to set up balances for Meals accounts and other top-up type customer account types such as wraparound care accounts. 

It is not possible to set balances for standard clubs or trips from here, as standard clubs and trips need to have each session paid for directly and not from a balance.

You won't need to use this process if you'll be using our one of our Cashless Catering integrations, as initial balances are pushed through automatically when the sync is set up.

Setting the initial balances

Please note:

  • You can only enter initial balances ONCE so please double check you have accounted for all outstanding amounts before completing this.
  • If an account balance has been topped up before the initial balanced are set, the initial amounts set will be added or deducted from this amount rather than from 0.

To set up initial balances in Arbor, go to School > Payments > Setup > Set Initial Balances .

Select 'Set initial balances' and in the top right-hand corner select the class you would like to start to enter opening balances for.



To add a balance either type the value manually or click on the arrows next to students or staff. The balance can also be set to either "Credit" or "Debit".





I'm getting an error message

Getting an error message when you try to save? Make sure all the fields have a value in, as the system won't recognise blanks. Where you want the initial balance to be zero, put 0.

Can we add balances in bulk?

It isn't possible to update or import balances in bulk. However, if you'll be using one of our Cashless Catering integrations, initial balances are pushed through in bulk when the sync is set up.


What's next?

Once you've set the initial balances, you can:

  • Set up your meals
  • If for a different Customer Account Type, you can start to manage payments

If you've set the initial balances incorrectly, follow these steps: Initial balances have been set incorrectly

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  • I can only see that we can transfer initial balances for meals, what about other top up accounts like breakfast club and after school playcentre? If I set them up as separate ad hoc accounts would I be able to enter initial balances?

  • Hi Debjani, you'll be able to set initial balances for any top-up type customer account types. You will need to set them up first to be able to set initial balances.

    It is not possible to set balances for Clubs or Trips from here, as clubs and trips need to have each session paid for directly and not from a balance.


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