Recording and viewing Permanent Exclusions and reviews

In this article, you can see how to record permanent exclusions and permanent exclusion reviews.


You'll need the Permanent Exclusions: View and Administer permissions to view or manage Permanent Exclusions. If you don't have the permission, ask your school office to give it to you using these instructions.


Using the exclusions page

The Permanent Exclusions page in Student > Behaviour > Permanent Exclusions lets you record a permanent exclusion and view all permanent exclusions that have been made in your school. Clicking on the filters lets you choose the start/end date of the reporting period and also lets you look at certain demographics/groups of students.

Click on a row on the page to edit an exclusion, see more information or take further actions.



Adding a permanent exclusion

Click the Add permanent Exclusion button to add a new permanent exclusion. Top Tip: For every permanent exclusion, an exclusion review must be undertaken and recorded. To see what to do once a review has been done, take a look at the section below.

In the slide over, select the student to exclude and the exclusion reason, set the dates and add any extra details. If the exclusion review process is still ongoing for this exclusion, then select Do not return in school census. Then click Create Permanent Exclusion.

You can see more information on the reasons here: How do Exclusion Reasons in Arbor map to the DfE codes?



You can also record an exclusion by going to a student's Student Profile > Behaviour > Exclusions tab. Just click +Add.



Select Add a permanent exclusion.

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 09.28.34.png


Exclusion reviews

When a child is permanently excluded, an exclusion review must be undertaken. If the exclusion is overturned, the record of the exclusion must be removed from the system. You can see how to record reviews in Arbor below, or you can choose to use an external system.

  • For students who have an upheld exclusion, details of the exclusion and the exclusion review should be recorded. You can do this in Arbor, or use another system.
  • For students who have had an exclusion overturned, details of the exclusion should be removed, and only the details of the exclusion review should remain (in Arbor or another system).

Please note: this feature is only available to UK DfE schools, and is not visible to schools on the Isle of Man.  

Recording Reviews for upheld exclusions

If a Permanent Exclusion has been added, and the exclusion was upheld, you must record an exclusion review stating the exclusion was upheld.

Please note that there can only be one review per permanent exclusion and the outcome recorded should be the final outcome of the review (a review can consist of more than one panel meeting, but only the final one should be recorded).

Click +Add in the Reviews section to add a new review. Select the exclusion, review date and the exclusion review outcome. Leave the reinstatement date blank as the student will not be returning to the school.

Please note that the values have been provided by the DfE and so we are unable to change them.



The child's Student Profile will then show the permanent exclusion and the corresponding upheld review.


Recording Reviews for overturned exclusions

If a Permanent Exclusion has been added, and the exclusion was overturned, you must record an exclusion review stating this, and delete the original exclusion recorded from Arbor.

Click +Add in the Reviews section to add a new review. Leave the Permanent exclusion field blank as the exclusion was not upheld, add the review date, the outcome of the review and the date the student will return to the school (if they have chosen to return).

Please note that the values have been provided by the DfE and so we are unable to change them.



You must then delete the record of the original exclusion, only leaving the review information. To do this, click the exclusion, then in the slide over click Delete.



You will be asked to confirm the deletion, then child's Student Profile will then show the record of the overturned review only.




What's next?

You can see how to report on these exclusions here: Behaviour Analysis - Reporting on incidents, detentions and exclusions

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