Admin or SLT - Get to the summative marksheet and add or import assessment marks

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This article will show you the best place to access marksheets from if you aren't teaching staff. For teachers, please use this article.


  • Students: Assessments: Administer All Students - access all marksheets and input marks.
  • School: View: Assessments: Review - see the mark history on a marksheet.

If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

Accessing the marksheet

We recommend using the Academic Unit Marksheets, as this allows Administrators, Heads of Departments and SLT to access the right level of students, plus it can be used with Custom Marksheets.

For more information on the two different marksheets in Arbor, see this article: What are the different summative assessment marksheets?

To access the marksheet, go to School > Programmes > Courses and select the level of students you would like to view the assessments for. If you're a Head of Department, you might select Maths, or Head of Year might select Year 7 here.



You can then access Assessments from the left-hand menu. Click on Full Marksheet from the Summative Tracking tab.



Adding marks into the marksheet

From the marksheet

Entering Marks Individually

Once you have accessed the correct marksheet, you can begin to enter marks into the grid.

  • Click into a field to open the drop-down menu of values to select from, or start typing.
  • Auto-complete suggests the shortest match (e.g. type “A” and “A” will be suggested first rather than “A+” or “A-”.
  • Hit your Enter key to save the value and move onto the cell below. Then hit Enter again to start typing into the new field.

Copy and paste from any source, across multiple fields.

  • To copy, select the fields and drag until they are all selected, then use Ctrl+C (Windows) or Cmd + C (Mac).
  • To paste, select the fields and drag until they are all selected, then use Ctrl+V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac).


Bulk entering and copying marks

You may have multiple students in your class all with the same mark. To save time you can bulk enter the marks.

Just tick the students you want to enter the same mark for by ticking the box on the left-hand side of their name. Click on the Bulk action button to select one of the options.



Bulk Edit MarksIn the slide over, choose the grade/mark that applies to the selected students and then click on the green Save Changes button.



Bulk Copy Marks - Copy assessment marks between past, present and future assessment periods. Both the source and target assessment periods must be visible in order to select them, so remember to change the dates in the filters! You can see which marks will be copied over - any marks highlighted in red will be overridden, and grey will not be changed.




Bulk Edit Multiple Columns - update the marks for the same assessment period for multiple assessments at once.



Adding comments

The marksheet also contains a Comment column where you can add any additional comments to support the mark the student has been given. These comments can then be included in Report Cards when needed.

To add a comment click on the comment cell and a pop-up window will appear for you to type your comment into. You can also use a snippet.


Please note that to enable you to add predicted marks, you'll need to make sure the date range in the filters only covers one assessment period.


Using the import spreadsheet

You can use our import spreadsheet to import baselines, marks and targets in bulk for your students. Download and complete the import spreadsheet for the assessment(s), then upload it into Arbor. The spreadsheets are available for the assessments you have already created within Arbor.

  • This process will override any existing marks already input into your Assessment. 
  • Any fields left blank in your spreadsheet will not override any marks in Arbor, allowing you to add marks for the current data drop without editing your baselines or targets.

Important - Check whether marks have been approved first

Please note that if marks have been approved for an assessment, they won't be changed by importing a new mark. You will need to unset the marks as approved - you can see how to do this here: Approving marks in report cards and locking marksheets

What you can and can't import

You can use this feature to import:

  • Academic year baseline
  • Academic Year Teacher Target
  • Final target for the assessment
  • Marks for any data drop in the current academic year. Please Note that Non submission grades will only display as valid values for assessments that are using a grade set (not text or integer), but these can still be imported if typed into the cells.
  • Period teacher targets (if selected)
  • Comments (if selected)
  • Predicted marks (if selected)
  • Aspirational target (if selected)

You will not be able to import:

  • Predicted mark baseline and predicted final mark
  • Suggested marks (as this is automatically calculated based on curriculum assessment marks)
  • Attainment or progress target (this is set automatically by setting up target rules)
Importing summative assessment marks

Go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking > Mark Entry > Import from the left-hand menu. Click the green Download Import Spreadsheet button to select the single or bulk option.



Fill in the slide over with the assessment information then click Download import spreadsheet.

You can choose to import teacher targets. This allows you to set the same or different teacher targets per assessment period instead of Arbor calculating the target from the baseline and end of year target.



Once you have downloaded the spreadsheet, fill in period marks for each student as appropriate.

Please note that this spreadsheet is custom made for the import you are doing and that you cannot change the academic year, students or assessment in this sheet. You must use the correct grade set and only valid grade values. If you want to import for a different academic year, assessment or set ofstudents, you must create a new import spreadsheet.

Please note: Please do not change the student names or IDs, and do not rearrange any column or change column letters or row numbers. If you do, we cannot guarantee that the right marks will be imported for the right students.



Once you have filled in the sheet, you can import it on the same page by clicking the grey Upload Import Spreadsheet button.



You can choose your file to upload, then click Upload.



On the next page, you can see the information about the import. Double-check the information you are about to import.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Delete import if any data is incorrect, or click Import data to import the assessment marks.


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