In this article you'll see how to manage detentions.
- School: Behaviour: Behaviour Policy - Choose how detentions can be assigned, delete, edit or change the time of a single detention session
- School: Behaviour: Administer - Delete, edit or change the time of a single detention session
- Student Profile: Detention: Administer all students - Manage all detentions from the School > Behaviour > Detentions page, and delete a detention session
- School: Behaviour: Log behaviour incident - Log an incident, which may lead to a detention being assigned
If you don't have the right permission, ask your admin team to assign them to you.
The Detentions dashboard
Go to Students > Behaviour > Detentions. Here you can view the list of Upcoming detention sessions, Recent detention sessions and Unallocated detentions.
Clicking on the detention and clicking the More information button takes you to that particular detention session.
Adding students to a detention
- If you want to limit the number of students in a detention, follow these instructions: Adding students to detentions with a room capacity
- Having trouble adding students to a detention? Try these tips: I can't add students to a detention session
If any students been given detention but not been allocated to a specific session, you have two options to fix this from the Unallocated detentions tab. Select the students, then choose to cancel the detentions, or assign them to an upcoming session.
To add students to a particular Upcoming or Recent detention, click on the detention and click the orange buttons in the slide over.
If your school have set up their detentions policy to not allow ad-hoc detentions, you won't be able to add students without logging an incident.
If your school have set up their detentions policy to not allow ad-hoc detentions, you won't be able to add students without logging an incident.
If your school have set up their incident workflows to automatically assign a detention, logging the incident will automatically add them to the upcoming detention.
If there are no sessions scheduled for the detention type you will be able to select the detention type and session to assign.
If your school have set up their incident workflows to allow staff to assign a detention when a particular level of behaviour is logged, you can select the detention session in the second step when logging the incident.
You can choose to leave these fields blank and not assign the student to a detention. If you want to add them to a detention later you can use the Take Action button on the incident overview.
The Detention session
Go Students > Behaviour > Detentions, click into the detention from the dashboard and click Edit in the slide-over.
You can see if a student has a planned absence overlapping a detention session. Go to the detention session dashboard and see the Attendance mark field. The marks are also colour coded, with green indicating present, orange indicating absent with a reason, and red indicating absent with no reason given.
You can see students’ AM and PM statutory roll call marks, so you can reschedule their detention if they’ve been absent during the day following these instructions: Add students who have missed a detention to another
Attendance can be taken by clicking the arrows in the Students table.
You can also click the Take attendance button.
Once you have taken attendance, click the Take action with absences button.
- For students who didn't come to school today, you can reschedule them to a new session.
- For students who attended school but didn't come to the session, you can log another incident.
Log a Behaviour Incident that may have occurred in the detention session by clicking on +Add next to Behaviour.
Attach a file in relation to the session, by dragging a file or clicking to upload a document/photo to support your notes.
Detentions today
Go to Students > Behaviour > Detentions > Today to view a list of all students with a detention today and the session the student is currently in.
Emails to parents about detentions
Your school may have chosen to send parents an automatic email when a detention is given - you can see how this works here. You can also find further troubleshooting tips here:
- Can we use different templates for severity levels when incidents and detentions are assigned?
- Behaviour FAQ
You can also send guardians or students an email or SMS manually from within a detention session using the Bulk Action button.
What's next?
Detentions not being assigned properly? Take a look at our troubleshooting tips: Why are detentions not being allocated correctly?
You can see how to report on detentions here: Behaviour Analysis - Reporting on incidents, detentions and exclusions
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