Setting up the Intake Season to Accept Applicants

To enable you to add new applicants for the next year you need to first create an intake season. This area of Arbor is separate to the New School Year setup area, as you'll need to set up a new intake season for each new cohort of students that apply to your school, such as nursery pupils starting in Spring term.

Step 1 - Adding the year

Before you start to set up the Intake Season and Applicants you need to check that you have the dates of the next Academic Year entered into the system.

Please follow these instructions: Adding the next Academic Year to your Arbor site

Step 2 - Adding the new intake season

You need to make sure that you have an Intake Season for the next academic year created before adding any applicants.

Go to Students > All Students > Applicants to get to the Applicants Dashboard. The Applicants Dashboard will show all of the Intake Seasons created on the MIS. Click on the green +Add sign at the top of the dashboard.



From the slide over it is important to add a name for the season and the academic year it's linked to.



Applicant buckets and intake groups

Once the Intake Season is set up you will see that two new sections have been created called 'Applicant Buckets' and 'Intake Groups'.

These are optional fields you can use to categorise and score applicants: Applicant buckets and intake groups

Adding an end date to the intake season

  1. Go to Students > All Students > Applicants and select the intake season you want to add an end date to.
  2. Click the Intake season dates field.
  3. Add an end date.
  4. Click Save Changes.

This can be done for past intake seasons also, and is useful for removing old intake seasons that you no longer need from the list of intake seasons.


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