See a list of Pupil Premium students

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'Pupil Premium Eligible' in Arbor is an indicator of whether a student may be eligible for Pupil Premium based on their background, such as being in receipt of Free School Meals. The Pupil Premium Eligible tag may not be a true representation of who actually receives Pupil Premium funding in the school (shown by the Pupil Premium Recipients tag). You can see more information in this article: Pupil Premium vs Pupil Premium Recipients.

Pupil Premium Eligible

This status is dependent upon the criteria specified by the DfE for additional funding. The current criteria for funding is whether a pupil has Ever 6 FSM status, Looked After (In Care) status or Ever 6 Service Child status. You can see how to add these to a pupil's profile here: How to set a student as Pupil Premium.

Pupil Premium

To view a report of all pupils who may be eligible for Pupil Premium funding, go to Students > Demographics > Derived Indicators and select Background.


Click into the filters to select Pupil Premium Eligible.

You can also choose to show the inverse of the demographic - in this example it would show you everyone who is not eligible for Pupil Premium.


You can see a list of students, including their name, year groups, registration form and the dates they start and stop being this demographic.

You can download the table, click on a student to see more details, or jump to their profile.


Pupil Premium Recipients (from Key to Success or Get Information about Pupils)

This status can only be added based on an import from the official DfE files received from Key to Success/GIAP each financial year.  You can see full details of how the Pupil Premium Recipients stage works and how to import it here: Pupil Premium vs Pupil Premium Recipients and uploading Pupil Premium Recipient Records from Key to Success or Get Information about Pupils.

A list of your recipients

You can view a list of all your Pupil Premium Recipient students in Students > Demographics > Derived Indicators and select Background.


Click into the filters to select Pupil Premium Recipient.


Cash amounts

You can view a list of all your cash amounts for your Pupil Premium Recipient students from Students > Demographics > Pupil Premium Recipients.


Reporting on Pupil Premium Recipients

To allow you to report on your Pupil Premium Recipient students in Arbor, you could set up all your pupil premium students in a custom group. Use the automatic membership function within the custom group to automatically add Pupil Premium Recipient Students.

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