Finding staff members and generating a staff list

This article provides instructions for finding and generating a staff list, addressing issues with missing or extra staff. It outlines the necessary permissions, how to search for staff using the search box or the Browse Staff page, and how to download a detailed report of staff information.

Does your staff list look wrong, has extra staff or staff missing? Follow these instructions: The current staff list has missing staff or includes people who have left

Want to see all staff without a Business Role? Follow this article: How do I find staff without a Business Role?


You'll need the All Staff: View Basic HR Details permission to download a staff list. If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

Using the search box

Type the staff member's name into the search box to find them.



Can't find them in the search box? Click View all results to access the Global Search! Here you can see all current and past users with this name!



Using the Browse Staff page

The School > All Staff > Browse Staff page loads all of the staff profiles on Arbor that have a current Business Role, or one that starts in the future.

The view may be changed to List or Profile views.

Clicking on one of the staff members will load their profiles.



To either view historic or future staff members click on the green filter at the top of the page and choose to display All Staff. The list will then update itself with the staff members. To search for a specific staff profile type their name on the search bar and click on Search.




To download a detailed report with staff information click on the Download Staff List button and tick the options for the report in Excel or PDF.


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