Behaviour on Parent App

You can see basic statistics of your child’s Behaviour Points by clicking their name at the top of the page and scrolling down to the Statistics section. You can see the running total this term, this year and last term.

The example below shows a neutral scale that keeps a running total of both positive and negative points together. You may see one scale like this, multiple scales or only a positive scale depending on what your school has decided to display.


Also in the Statistics section, you can see Incidents your child has been involved in. You can see the number of incidents this term, this year and last term.

Like the points scales, you may see positive incidents, negative incidents, both or neither depending on what your school has decided to display.


To view more detailed information, click the menu icon at the bottom left of your screen. Select Behaviour.


On the Behaviour page, you can see a more detailed breakdown of the Behaviour Points, including the reason for the points awarded/deducted, who the points were recorded by and any notes. Please note, your school may have chosen not to display who points were awarded by and notes.


Also on the page, you can view more detailed information about incidents, and any detentions that have been assigned.


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