General Clubs FAQ

This article covers common questions regarding all clubs in Arbor. If you cannot find an answer to your query in this article, check the dedicated section of our Help Centre here for Standard Clubs and here for Wraparound Care Clubs.

How are clubs ordered on the Clubs page?

Clubs are ordered in the order that they were set up, with the most recently created at the bottom of the list.

If you want to order your clubs in a certain way, you need to set them up in that order.

Can we change a free club to a paid club?

No, it is not possible to change clubs or trips from free to paid.

  • You would need to delete the club or delete the trip and set them up again.
  • If students are already signed up, you will not be able to delete, and will need to ignore this.

If you want to change a paid club or trip to free:

Does club attendance contribute to statutory attendance?

When students are scheduled to be in a club, you may have opted to take an attendance register. You can see how to do this here.

When this option is selected and the register for the club is taken, it will not populate any other registers or the child's statutory Roll Call attendance mark for the same day/time.

Club attendance for standard clubs and wraparound care clubs do not contribute to attendance figures, such as on the homepage.

How do I delete a club?

To delete a club, navigate to School > Activities > Clubs, select the club, and click the Delete button. Deletion is restricted if there are attendance marks, invoices, or linked trips associated with the club.

  1. Go to School > Activities > Clubs
  2. Select the club.
  3. Click the Delete button.

You won't be able to click this button if:

  • There is one or more attendance marks recorded for a club session
  • There is an invoice attached to the club from a payment or sign-up
  • A trip has been set up to link to the club

This means that for paid clubs, even if attendance marks are removed for each session, the club will not be able to be deleted once a sign-up is logged.

Can we sign students up to clubs who do not attend our school?

If you have students who come from other schools to attend your clubs or childcare, you can log their attendance in Arbor.

Students must be enrolled in your school to be eligible to attend clubs. In Arbor, students can be enrolled in your school without attending classes and appearing in lesson registers. All you need to do for your external students is follow the instructions in this article: Adding guest students and changing enrolment modes.

Once you've done this, you can manually register your guest students for clubs, trips etc and take attendance for them! As clubs don't contribute towards your statutory attendance, their marks won't affect your figures.

You can see more on how you might want to use this for wraparound childcare here: Wraparound care - Setting up a breakfast club or after-school club.

Please note that adding guest students can skew your report numbers. For example, they will be included in your school Dashboard Statistics and could be counted twice on the MAT MIS if they come from another school in your MAT.

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