Cancelling Trip participation and making refunds

You can refund payments made by parents when signing their child up for a trip. Please note that it is not possible to do this in bulk for all students on a trip.

The types of refunds and cancellations you can perform will depend on whether:

  • The trip is a free or paid trip
  • The guardian made a payment for the trip
  • How many payments were made

We'll go through each of the examples, and see how a refund and cancellation can be issued in each case.


To be able to give refunds and cancellations you'll need the Finance: Administer or Extra-Curricular: Administer permissions. If you don't have this permission, ask your admin team to assign it to you.



Cancelling a free trip participation

For a free trip, as no payments were made, you can cancel participation in the trip.

First, go to School > Activities > Trips and select the trip. Scroll down to the Trip Participants section. Click the student you want to cancel participation for.



In the slide over, click to cancel the trip participation, and then confirm the cancellation. The student will then move back to the Eligible tab.



Cancelling a paid trip participation

Important notes:

  • Whether voluntary contributions are allowed for a trip or not, the method for refunding payments is the same, and will just depend on how many payments were made and whether you also want to cancel the trip participation. 
  • If multiple payments were made, each one must be refunded separately. This is because payments can be made via different methods or at different times, so it is not possible to refund them all together.
  • Payments made via Cash, Cheque or Bank Transfer can only be refunded via Cash or Cheque, and payments made via Card can only be refunded by Card.
  • Payments made via Apple or Google Pay can be refunded using the Card method. The amount will be automatically refunded to the card the guardian has linked to Apple or Google Pay.
  • Refunds made via Cash or Cheque logged in Arbor are merely a log of the transaction. It is the responsibility of your school to ensure the refund is actually paid outside of Arbor.

Go to School > Activities > Trips and select the trip. Scroll down to the Trip Participants section. Click the student you want to cancel participation or refund payments for.



In the slide over, choose whether to cancel the trip participation, or to keep the student as a participant and issue a refund.



Giving a refund while keeping them on the trip

When you click the Refund only button, you can change the amount to refund, and select the refund method, then click Confirm refund.



Approve the actions, then the money will be refunded (if paid by card), or you'll need to make sure the money has been refunded if paid by other means.



Cancelling the Trip participation

When you click the Cancel trip participation button, in the Trip Participation field, select whether to cancel the trip participation or to keep the student signed up for the trip. 

  • In the table, you can then choose the amount to refund and the refund method.
  • You can click the Amount to Refund to change the amount you are refunding.
  • For payments that are non-refundable, put 0 in the Amount to refund column and they won't be refunded. I could also click on the bin icon to remove the payment I don’t want to refund.



In the next step, confirm the cancellations/refunds you wish to do, then click to confirm. The student will then appear in the Cancelled Tab.



Cancelling Trip participation when no payments were made

You won't be able to complete a refund if:

  • you have manually confirmed a child on a trip without a payment being made
  • you have allowed variable contributions for the trip - parents can choose not to pay at all when signing their child up, as shown here

When selecting the child and cancelling their participation, you won't be able to select to refund any money, and you'll just be able to cancel the trip participation.




Add trip participation again

To add the student back onto the trip, follow these instructions: Add a previously cancelled trip participant

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