Reconcile your card payments using accounting codes

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To help you reconcile your card payments and refunds with your bank statements, you can use our accounting codes (also known as cost codes).

If you have the Finance: Administer permission, you can use the default codes, change the codes for each customer account type, or add a unique code to each club or trip from their overview pages. You can then use the accounting codes to reconcile your card payments using the Settlement Statement page.


Amending the accounting code for a customer account type

To change the default accounting code for a customer account type, go to School > Payments > Setup > Customer Account Types.



Click the customer account type, then in the slide over, click the Edit button.



Under Accounting Details, you can see and amend the accounting code to any value you wish, then click Save Changes.



Amending the accounting code for a club or trip

To add a unique code to a specific club or trip from their overview pages, go to School > Activities > Clubs/Trips and select the club or trip.

On the overview page, under Accounting Details, you can see the accounting code. Click it to amend the accounting code to any value you wish, then click Save Changes.

Please note that top ups to wraparound care clubs will show the customer account type accounting code as the top up is not linked to a specific club.



Downloadable Settlement Statement

You can see or download the list of card payments and refunds following these instructions: Generating a reconciliation Settlement Statement for payment reporting

Notice you can see the payments for Breakfast club has the unique accounting code for the individual club, whereas the other club payments has no code.


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