Bulk import student, guardian or staff email addresses

This article explains how to bulk import email addresses for students, guardians, or staff in Arbor using import spreadsheets. It details the steps to download templates, input email addresses, and upload the updated files. It also highlights important considerations to avoid conflicts with existing email addresses and the limitations regarding editing or deleting emails in bulk.

If you have the School: General Admin: Administer permission, you can change default email addresses in bulk for students, guardians or staff using our import spreadsheets.

You can download an excel document of students, guardians or staff members, and input their email addresses, and the email type you'd like to import the email as. Then just import the spreadsheet back into Arbor to add these new email addresses.

Imported email address will be added to the user's profile and will not delete any existing email addresses. Imported email addresses become the user's default email address. This also changes the user's login email address username.

Before importing

Before importing any emails, please check:

  • Make sure that you are not going to import an email address that already exists on someone's profile. Make sure the email address are not the same as any other student, guardian or staff member.
  • Do not import guardian email addresses onto the student's profile. If you import the guardian email into the student profile, the guardian may not be able to log into Parent Portal.
  • Do not import the same email address onto both profiles if someone is a staff member and a guardian. If you import the guardian email into the staff profile, the staff member may not be able to log into Arbor.

Can we edit or delete the emails in bulk?

There is no way to edit or delete email addresses in bulk, so:

  • you cannot change email addresses in bulk from one type to another
  • there is no way to bulk delete email addresses that have been imported incorrectly

If you have email addresses you need to change, you will need to go to each user's profile and delete or change the emails in the Contacts section.


How to import the email addresses

The guidance below includes where to go to complete this process for guardians and staff, but the main example focusses on importing student emails. Once the spreadsheet has downloaded, the process is almost identical for each user type.


To import guardian email addresses, go to Students > Parents & Guardians > Bulk Update > Guardian Email Addresses. Click the button to Download Template.

You'll then be able to select individual guardians, select the guardians of certain student groups this year or select all guardians by leaving the field blank.



When the file downloads to your computer, you see the guardian details, including their linked students, and you can update the spreadsheet with their emails.




To import staff email addresses, go to School > All Staff > Bulk Update > Staff Email Addresses. Click the button to Download Template.

You'll then be able to select groups of staff with the same role or individual staff.



When the file downloads to your computer, you see the staff details, and you can update the spreadsheet with their emails.




To import student email addresses, go to Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Student Email Addresses. Click the button to Download Template.



You can select any student group, such as year group or custom group from past, current or future years - great for bulk updating new starters' email addresses!

We recommend only selecting groups from within one year, as the import spreadsheet will not show which year a student belongs to. For example, if you select year 7 from both the 19/20 and 20/21 years, the spreadsheet will show the current registration form for the 19/20 group, and the registration form the students in the 20/21 group will be in next academic year.




When you click Download Template, the file will download to your computer. You'll need to open it.



In the spreadsheet, you can add in the email address you want to import, and the email address type (personal, work or other). No matter which email address type you choose, the email will be added as the new default email address for the user.

You'll need to make sure both the email address field and email type fields are not blank, or we won't be able to import an email for that person.



Once you've added in all the information, return to the Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Student Email Address page and click +Add. Select that you are importing email addresses.



Click Browse to select the file on your computer, then click Upload to upload it.



On the next page, you can review the information you are about to import. You can cancel the upload if you've selected the wrong file or need to make changes or import the details by clicking the Confirm and Import button.



If you've left a field blank in the spreadsheet, we won't be able to import the information for this user. However, all other users' emails will be imported.

After confirming the upload, the details will show as updated.



On the  Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Student Email Address page the upload will show as Completed.



Below, you can see the examples of what extra emails have been added to their profiles:

  • Evelyn originally had a personal email, and you can now see the work email has been added as the default.
  • Matilda originally had no email, and you can now see the personal email has been added. As it is the only email on her profile, this will act as the default.
  • Aaron originally had a personal email, and you can now see that another personal email has been added as the default.





This will also change the users' login username


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