How to Update or Delete Transportation Modes and Methods

This article provides guidance on how to update, edit, and delete transportation modes and methods for students and staff. It explains the process for adding additional transport methods and emphasises that bulk changes are not allowed for safety reasons.

Can we report on transportation?

To help you check the information recorded, you can import our Custom Report Writer template for students following these instructions: Mode of Travel or Transport report

Can we edit or delete transportation in bulk?

It is not possible to change or remove transportation mode information in bulk.

This is a safety feature to prevent large amounts of data from being deleted accidentally.

You would need to delete or amend the information individually.

How to update transportation

You can see how to add, edit and delete modes of transportation on profiles here for students and staff.

You can also update transportation from Students > All Students > Transportation.



Add additional transport methods by clicking +Add.



Click on a transport method to add students.



Click on a student to edit or delete the information.



Click on More information to add more students and staff to the transportation method by clicking +Add.



You can also click into students or staff to edit or remove the transportation method from them from here.


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