Creating bespoke reports in the MAT MIS Custom Report Writer

MAT MIS shows you key statistics and figures for attainment, attendance, behaviour or staffing with just a few clicks (take a look at this article to see more), or to drill down even further into your data you can create a report in the Custom Report Writer! 

Pull in data from all your schools to report on, and sort, filter or group the report based on student demographics to highlight any missing information or see what can be improved at your MAT. You can also add conditional formatting to colour-code your report.

Once your report is created, you can share them with the right people in a variety of ways. Then agree on a plan with your schools, log in to take action or live feed the data out to Excel or Power BI.

Please note that you can only report on School Staff, not MAT Staff, in the MAT MIS Custom Report Writer.

All reports and viewing reports

On school sites

The Custom Report Writer: Superuser permission for MAT MIS users gives you access to all custom reports on each of your school’s MIS sites once you log in. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask an administrator to give you permission following these instructions.



On the MAT MIS

When you go to Analytics > Custom Report Writer, the first page you'll see is the All Reports page. You can search for a report title by clicking in the green search box or add criteria using the filters.

Don't see the report you're looking for? You'll only see any reports that have been created by you or shared with you, so you won't need to spend time finding the report you need.

Top Tip: To see who the report has been shared with or sent to, click the report and select Report History from the left-hand menu. On the All Reports page, shared reports have an arrow beside them and scheduled reports have a calendar icon beside them.



Click the report to access it and complete more actions, such as editing it (if it's your report or the person who shared it with you has given edit access), sharing it, downloading deleting or duplicating it.



Creating a new report

From the All Reports page you can create a new report by clicking on the green 'Create New Report' button in the top right-hand corner of the page. There are 3 options.



Create a report from a template

When adding a new report, you can select to use one of our out-of-the-box reports on Attendance, Pupil Premium, Demographics, Suspensions, Incidents and Staff Absences.

Just choose the template and your columns will already be added - just skip any wizards and save and view the report!


Attendance by Year Group (YTD)

Add in a date range, then add in additional columns if needed.



Click Skip setup wizard then Save and view report to see a report for each year group's attendance for each month.


Number of Pupil Premium Students by Year Group

Add in a date range, then add in additional columns if needed.



Click Skip setup wizard then Save and view report to see a report of the number of Pupil Premium  students in each year group this year.



Add in a date range, then add in additional columns if needed.



Click Skip setup wizard then Save and view report to see a report of the number of Pupil Premium, EAL and students with SEN in each school today.


Suspensions (YTD) 

Add in a date range, then add in additional columns if needed.



Click Skip setup wizard then Save and view report to see a report of suspensions during each month. 


Positive/Negative Incidents (YTD)

Add in a date range, then add in additional columns if needed.



Click Skip setup wizard then Save and view report to see a report of incidents during each month for each school. 

Single Central Staff Record

You can create a custom Single Central Record (SCR) in the Custom Report Writer if you want to add additional columns that aren't included in our out-of-the-box Single Central Record (SCR).

Add in a date range, then add in additional columns if needed.



Click Skip setup wizard then Save and view report to see a report of your school staff. 


Staff Absence (YTD)

Add in a date range, then add in additional columns if needed.



Click Skip setup wizard then Save and view report to see a report of your schools' staff absences for each role type for each month.




Import a report

Follow the steps to import a report made by us or someone else who uses your Group site.

To create a template of a report, just click the green button from:

  • Analytics > Custom Report Writer > Select report > Export on the MAT MIS
  • School > Custom Report Writer > Select report > Export on the School MIS

You can then email this report externally to anyone who also uses Arbor MAT MIS who needs to create the same report. Import the report by selecting the Import a report option, selecting the file then clicking Upload



Create new report

Work through each step to create the custom report. Each step has a Help section which you can expand to provide further guidance for the stage you are at.

Top Tip: Once you are confident with creating reports in Custom Report Writer, click the 'Skip wizard set up' link in Step 3 to go directly to the Edit page to add all your parameters all at once!

Step 1 - Set title and topic

This is where you set the title and subject of your report.

  • You can edit the name at any point.
  • What the report is about cannot be changed once selected.

Select one and then click Next.

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 08.28.31.png

Step 2 - Set effective date

This is where you set the date range for your report. All reports must have a date range for which you wish to report upon your chosen topic. For example, you may only be interested in students who were enrolled last spring, or staff who were at your organisation last year.

You can set an absolute date, where you explicitly define a date or a period of time between two set dates. For example on 08 Mar 2020, or between 25 May 2020 and 02 Jun 2020. Or, you can set a relative date range, such as “last week” or “last term” which will change as time goes on.

Top Tip: If you only want to look at currently enrolled students, select 'today' as your date range to exclude any students who have left.


Step 3 - Choose columns

On the left hand of the screen, you can search for column titles in the search box or scroll through the list and select the columns you need. Drag and drop these into the right-hand side.

A slide over will appear after you have added a column, allowing you to set parameters. These parameters decide at what point in time you would like to analyse data from, or how to present the data.

Top Tip: You won't need to add a column for school name as this will automatically be added to your report when you view it at the end of the setup.



For example, to help you monitor student attendance across your trust and support specific students, added the Today’s attendance and Today’s notes columns. You can also add conditional formatting to colour-code your report.


Step 4 - Reorder columns 

This allows you to reorder your columns by clicking and dragging the columns into the correct position.


Step 5 - Sort columns

This is an optional step that allows you to sort your columns alphabetically.


Step 6 - Add filters

Adding a filter allows you to exclude certain people from your report. For example, you may only want to see students who are pupil premium. You do not have to set filters to create a report and this section can be left blank. You then need to save your filter by clicking Set parameters before you click Next.

This guide will give you some handy hints when using filters in a student-based custom report: Using AND and OR filters in the Custom Report Writer



A slide over will appear after you have added filter, allowing you to set parameters. These parameters decide at what point in time you would like to look at, or how to present the data, such as only showing students who were pupil premium between certain dates.


Step 7 - Group your report

If you want your report not to show individual results but to group them together based on certain criteria you can choose this in this step. For example, you could group by 'institution' to see an average for any statistics for each school.

Now your report is ready to be viewed!



Sharing a report

Go to the report you want to share and click the Share button to add this report to another MAT MIS user's All Reports page, or send it to them via email. You can either give a user full edit rights to the report or allow them to view the report. Sharing a report with another user gives them access to all the data in the report.



Click the Schedule button to send a copy of your report every week to whomever you choose.


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