Using the School Single Central Record (SCR) to check and update Staff Details

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This article explains how to use the School Single Central Record (SCR) in Arbor to check and update staff details, ensuring that all staff records are current for student safety. It covers how to access the SCR, update staff information, manage checks in bulk, and utilize the Data Quality Dashboard to identify and correct missing data. Additionally, it provides guidance on editing individual staff profiles.

Checking and updating key details using the Single Central Record (SCR)

How does the SCR work?

All schools should keep staff records up to date to make sure all checks and precautions have been made to keep their students safe. Arbor has a dedicated page that allows you to check and update information about your staff members.

The SCR will show:

  • staff members that have been added to your school Arbor site
  • and who have had an active Business Role at some point during the current academic year

This means that when a staff member leaves your school and you follow these instructions to end their employment, they will show in the SCR until the end of the year.

The SCR will not show:

  • Staff who have not been added to your Arbor site as a staff member - see how to add missing staff here, and how to add volunteers, governors, contractors supply teachers and third party staff here.
  • Staff who work on your MAT MIS site - we have an SCR on the MAT MIS for these staff

Using the SCR

Go to School > All Staff > Single Central Staff Record.



You can click any field to amend the information (apart from Postal Address).



To perform additional sections, click the tick boxes next to each staff member's name then click the Bulk action button.



Updating columns in bulk

You can't upload into the SCR in bulk, such as via a spreadsheet, but you can update the checks from  School > All Staff > HR Admin > Checks > Manage Check Types. On this page, you can update the checks in bulk. More information here: Adding checks and qualifications to staff


Which column is the Section 128 check?

You can see and update Section 128- Prohibition from management checks for all your staff from the Single Central Record. It's the column next to the Prohibition From Teaching column.



You can also see and update checks for individual staff from their staff profile in the Qualifications & Checks section. 



Using the Data Quality Dashboard

The Data Quality Dashboard on Arbor allows you to view and add missing data on Staff, Students and Guardian users on Arbor. Just go to School > Data > Data Quality Dashboard

To update staff data, click on Staff in the left-hand menu. Here you can check missing staff information.

For example, to add missing staff emails, go to School > Data > Data Quality Dashboard > Staff > Contact details > Email Addresses

  • From the data quality dashboard navigate the staff on the left-hand side and within ‘contact details’ select ‘email'.
  • Where there are missing email addresses click in the gap in the column and select the type of email address for the staff member (e.g. work/personal - we recommend that you use work emails as the users' primary email address as this will be used for their Arbor login).
  • Add in the users' email address and where available select the box that sends the user a welcome email to Arbor if you would like them to log in once updated.

If there are any errors, click on the error to resolve it.



You can choose to ignore the error, or amend the information and retry the check to see if the data is valid.



Editing details from the staff profile

If you want to edit one staff member's details you can use the top-right search bar or the Browse staff page to find their profile and edit directly from there instead, as shown below. 

Just locate the section which needs amending.



Select the section that needs to be amended, Date Of Birth for example.

As shown below, there is an orange 'Edit' button that you can click to edit this information.


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