There are two different areas where you can report on staff absences and analytics.
- The Group Staff > Absences area for reporting on staff absences
- The Analytics > Staff/HR area for high-level figures and staff counts
The Group Staff > Absences area
Report on any absences (taking working periods into account) for your School or MAT MIS staff members from our Group Staff > Absences > All Staff Absences and Statistics pages.
On both pages, you can click into an absence to view or edit the details for MAT MIS staff, or to jump to the staff member's profile on their school for school MIS staff.
The All Staff Absences page
On the All Staff Absences page you can see any upcoming or past staff absences recorded for your MAT or schools staff. By default it will show all future absences for the current academic year.
By default (unless you change the settings) it will include any absences that are active on or after the start date, excluding absences that start after the end date.
This report also includes columns for:
- The staff member's details - school, job title, business role, payroll number
- Dates of the absence
- Total Working Days Lost - the full number of scheduled days of absence
- Categories for absence and sickness
- The date and time when the absence was created
Click into the filters to:
- filter absences based on the date the Absence is active or the date the Absence was created (in this case, we'll show any absences where the created date is on or after the start date, excluding absences that were created after the end date)
- change the date range
- filter your results by certain categories or school
- only look at certain staff (current staff or those included in the census)
Send emails to staff by ticking the boxes next to staff and clicking the Bulk action button.
The Statistics page
This Statistics page provides an analysis of the staff absences recorded over a specified period of time, including each staff members' total absences and working days lost.
It will include any absences that are active on or after the start date, excluding absences that start after the end date.
This report includes columns for:
- The staff member's school - you can also click into the filters to add columns for job title, business role or payroll number
- Number of absences - Number of full days absence during the date range selected.
- Total Working Days Lost - number of working days lost within the date filters. If a value wasn't entered in, it'll calculate it based on the date range applied.
- Total Working Hours Lost - number of working hours lost within the date filters. If a value wasn't entered in, it'll calculate it based on the date range applied.
- Bradford factor - Useful for analysing multiple short absences. Calculated from the number of absences squared, multiplied by the total absent days.
Click into the filters to change the date range, filter your results by certain categories or school, or group your report.
The Analytics > Staff/HR area
Use our Analytics > Staff/HR > Absence and Context pages of the MAT MIS to help check positions for the Workforce Census, and manage staff user data for your schools:
- The Staff Context page - These features are great for calculating costs, planning and budgeting. You can also ensure that enough teachers are recruited for the number of students you have.
- The Staff Absence page - View statistics for numbers related to staff absence and sickness.
As school staff are sometimes given multiple business roles, we know the count of business roles is not an accurate count. So, we base most of these figures on the contracts and contracted hours recorded for staff. Please note that if your MAT is not based in the UK, these measures will still be based on business roles instead.
What statistics can we see on each page?
Please note that these pages are only for staff set up on school MIS sites and will not include your MAT MIS staff. You can manage your MAT MIS staff from the Group Staff area of your site.
You can see:
- FTE (Full Time Equivalent) staff - how many full-time staff members your staff’s working hours correspond to
- Student to FTE teacher ratio - view on average across the trust how many students there are for each teacher
Hover over an infographic to view more information.
Click the All Measures tab to view this data in a table on a school by school basis. You can download this information by clicking the Download button.
You can also click on each infographic to view a more detailed breakdown of a variety of groups' data.
Click 'Monthly trend' or 'Year on Year' to see your progress over time.
You can see staff absence measures for teachers and for all staff:
- The average number of days lost to sickness
- Percentage taking sickness absence
- The average number of sickness absences
- Number of days lost to sickness and work-related events
How do the calculations work?
The School Staff Census Positions, Analytics > Staff/HR > Absence and Context pages will not take into account any staff members who have only been set up on the MAT MIS site.
To make sure all the staff context and absence calculations work properly, each staff member on schools' MIS sites should have:
- A Business Role added to their staff profile
- A contract set up on their staff profile, linked to a position
- The position must have the correct position category allocated and Full-Time Equivalent hours specified
- The staff member's contract must specify the number of hours they work for their contracted role
You can see and report on positions in bulk here: Positions and contracts for school staff. For individuals on school sites, you can see how to add positions here, and contracts and Hours per week for a staff member here.
When are business roles used vs positions?
- For measures looking at all staff, this will include any staff that have a current business role. They don't need to have a contract or position set.
- For measures that look at specific types of staff e.g. Teachers, only staff with specific positions will be included in the calculation.
For the measures below for days lost to sickness, the first is per staff member (so would include all staff with a business role) and the second is per Teacher (so would include only staff with a position that is classes as a Teacher position). A staff member with a business role and the position of Not Included in School Workforce Census would be included in the first but not the second.
Which positions count in the different KPIs?
In the table below, you can see which category each position falls into.
Position | Non Teaching Support Staff | Teacher | Senior Leadership Team | Teaching Support Staff |
Assistant Head | ✓ | |||
Advisory Teacher | ✓ | |||
Deputy Head | ✓ | |||
Executive Head Teacher | ✓ | |||
Head Teacher | ✓ | |||
Lead Practitioner | ✓ | |||
Teaching Assistant | ✓ | |||
Classroom Teacher | ✓ | |||
Classroom Teacher, main pay range | ✓ | |||
Classroom Teacher, upper pay range | ✓ | |||
Not Included in School Workforce Census | ✓ | |||
Apprentice Teacher | ✓ | |||
Leadership - Non Teacher | ✓ | |||
Other Support Staff | ✓ |
How do positions and hours impact the calculations?
If a staff member does not have a position or does not have hours specified, they won't contribute to the full-time equivalent staff member calculations (that look at specific types of staff e.g. Teachers) on the Analytics > Staff/HR > Context page.
If a staff member does not have a position or does not have hours specified, any staff absences logged will count as the full amount (in KPIs that look at specific types of staff e.g. Teachers) on the Analytics > Staff/HR > Absences page. This means that if you don't specify working hours for a part-time staff member, a week's absence will count as 5 full days.
Below you'll see a few examples of positions, hours, full-time equivalents and staff absence calculations. All the examples show what happens when a staff member has 10 days of absence recorded.
Example 1
The staff member has 1 active contract of Teacher. The teacher position has been given FTE hours per week as 40. The staff member has been contracted to work 40 hours per week.
In this case, the staff member counts as 1 full-time member of staff. Their absence counts as 10 full days.
Example 2
The teacher doesn't have a contract recorded.
In this case, the staff member counts as 0 full-time teachers. Their absence counts as 10 full days.
Example 3
The staff member has a contract recorded, but their position has not been given FTE hours per week.
In this case, the staff member counts as 0 full-time members of staff. Their absence counts as 10 full days.
Example 4
The staff member has 2 active contracts of Teacher and SENCo. Both positions have been given FTE hours per week as 40. The staff member has been contracted to work 30 hours per week and a Teacher and 10 hours per week as a SENDCo.
In this case, the staff member counts as 1 full-time equivalent member of staff (split 0.75 for their Teacher role and 0.25 for their SENCo role). Their absence counts as 10 full days (split 7.5 for their Teacher role and 2.5 for their SENCo role).
Example 5
The staff member has 2 active contracts of Teacher and SENCo, but the positions liked to their contract have not been given FTE hours.
In this case, the staff member counts as 0 full-time members of staff. Because they have two contracts, 10 days of absence are counted for each contract so their absence counts as 20 full days in total.
Reporting on staff absence in Custom Report Writer
You can use Custom Report Writer to report on the amount of working days lost to staff absence.
If you would like guidance on creating custom reports, you can find step-by-step instructions in this article. Following along with the steps there, there are two specific columns that you can add which will pull through data about working days lost:
- You can add the column Working Days Lost (All Staff for Dates) to pull through the total absences for any staff during the selected dates.
- You can add the column Working Days Lost (Active Staff for Dates) to pull through the total absences for staff with a current business role during the selected dates.
Both fields use the custom absence days if available, or calculated days if left blank.
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