VLE and Remote Learning Integrations - Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams with Arbor through a third-party API Partner

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Arbor integrates with third-party API partners to facilitate the provisioning of students and groups on Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. Users must contact their chosen API partner to initiate integration, provide their Arbor URL, and approve connection requests in Arbor. Once approved, partners can access data for account provisioning. Additional support for third-party integrations is available through the respective API partners.

Arbor integrates with a number of third-party API Partners that can support the provisioning of students and student groups on the remote learning platforms Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. These integrated partners include:

Getting set up with an integration

  1. You'll first to contact the API Partner that you'd like to integrate with, and letting them know you'd like them to integrate with your Arbor site.
  2. The partner may request your Arbor URL - this can be found by going to your Arbor homepage and copying the web address shown in the address bar at the top of your browser - the text should look like this: https://schoolname.uk.arbor.sc/?/home-ui/index.
  3. Once you've provided the partner with your Arbor address, they will send through a connection request, which can found and approved on Arbor via System > Partner Apps (API Users) > Pending Requests. For more information on this process, please see this article.
  4. Once the connection request has been approved, no further action should be required on Arbor, and the partner should be able to start reading your data. For advice on how to then proceed with provisioning accounts/student groups in Google Classroom/Microsoft Teams, we'd ask that you contact the API Partner.


I have a separate third-party that wants to integrate with Arbor via SalamanderSoft, how is this done?

For any other third-party to integrate with your Arbor via SalamanderSoft, you'll need to have an approved SalamanderSoft connection already set up. Once an approved connection is in place, you'll need to contact Salamander for assistance on helping the third-party make use of the SalamanderSoft Arbor connection.

I've been told that I need to provide a username and password as well as my Arbor URL, what are these? Do I need to set up a staff profile for the API partner?

It shouldn't be necessary to set up a staff profile for an API partner - they should have the API username and password that are required to connect to your school's Arbor site. If the partner is unsure of the details, please ask them to reach out to us via api@arbor-education.com.

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