Free up a room when students go on study leave

With schools managing study leave for students this year, you may wish to move your Year 11 or Year 13 students out of a room to enable the room to be used for other classes.

Moving students to a new room means you can record the S attendance mark (Study Leave). We recommend this approach rather than ending the timetable slots, as you won't have any missing attendance marks. You can find a full explanation of attendance codes here: Attendance codes and how they count towards statutory attendance

  1. First, make sure you have a new room to put the students in. As you can't remove rooms from timetable slots in bulk, we recommend setting up a dummy room or placing them in an existing free room. Follow the instructions in this article to see how to add a new room: Adding a new room
  2. Then, you can move the students out of their existing rooms to their new room in bulk. You can see how to do this here: Moving a class to a different room
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