Re-enrolling a student who has returned to your school

This article provides guidance on how to accurately re-enroll a student who has returned to your school after leaving. It outlines the process for adding a new enrollment or extending a previous enrollment, emphasizing the importance of maintaining records for attendance reporting. Specific steps are given for both scenarios, including considerations for the next academic year.

If a student has left your school and then returned, you will need to record their readmission accurately on your Arbor site.

Remember: If a student has left your school, you should never delete all records of them. This is so you can accurately report on your attendance figures for the School Census etc. You should also not remove their enrolment data if they were present for any classes.

You can find more information about unenrolling a student here. Follow the first section on Ending a student's enrolment (For students leaving your school) only.

If a student returns to your school after being unenrolled, you can either:

  • Add a new enrolment
  • Extend their enrolment if there is no gap between attendance


Adding a new enrolment

If the student needs to be reinstated after a break in their enrolment, a new enrolment should be created.

Go to the student's Student Profile and go to the Enrolments section.



Click +Add in the top left of the School Enrolments section. In the slide over select their re-enrolment date and their year group, registration form and house (where applicable). Then click Enrol student.



The student will then have two enrolments for their two separate periods of attendance.



What if the student is returning in the next academic year?

If the student will be returning next year, complete the same process as outlined above, but select the next academic year from the Academic Year drop-down menu first.



Once in the next academic year, click to add an enrolment in the School Enrolments section.



In the slide over, change the entry date to the first day the student will attend in the next academic year. The Academic Year will then default to next year.

You can then select the student's year group, registration form and house for net year. Then click Enrol Student.

Please note, to be able to enrol the student into next year's year group, registration form and house, you must first have completed the New School Year Setup for next year.



  • If in Step 6 of the New School Year Setup you chose to schedule lessons from registration forms, no further action is required.
  • If you chose to create registers in a different way, you will have to enrol the student into their lessons for September.


Extending their previous enrolment

Only use this option if the student did not miss any statutory roll call periods.

Go to the student's Student Profile and go to the Enrolments section.

Click their past enrolment to edit the dates.



Click the orange Edit button.



On the next screen, delete the leaving date and remove the leaving reason.



Click the green Save Changes button.



Their enrolment will then be extended indefinitely, until you unenroll them again, or they are unenrolled as part of the New School Year Setup process.


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