Why don't we have registers today?

If you were expecting to have registers today, and you don't have any today on your Arbor MIS, you won't be able to take attendance!

This may be because you have set today as an inset or holiday day, or haven't set your registrations and classes to start on the right date. Read on to see how to resolve these issues.

Top Tip: They won’t show on the Homepage for Teachers or on the Daily Attendance page, or be able to be opened until the first day students are back.

Step 1 - Check your New School Year Setup

When you first come back in September, you may be missing classes if the new School Year Setup wasn't completed properly. Make sure your school has completed step 6 in order to have registers. You can see what you'll need to check here: 5 ways to check you're ready for the next academic year

If you didn't complete the New School Year Setup process during your last academic year, you will have to complete it now. Click here to see how. 


Step 2 - Check you have no registers

It may be the case that it's only a few of your teachers who are unable to take attendance. Check if any registers exist by going to Students > Attendance. If you have set up your registers, you will see them here.



If a staff member is unable to take the register for the class they should be able to, you will need to enable this. Click here to see how.

If your Daily Attendance page is blank, see the next section.



Step 3 - Check your academic calendar

Confirm your attendance dates

If your Daily Attendance page is blank, take a look at when your registers should start. Go to School > School Structure > Academic Years, then select the academic year.



In the example below, the first day of the term is the 1st. However, as I have put the 2nd and 3rd as inset days, the first day I need to take attendance is the 4th of September.



Amend your academic calendar

You may need to amend your academic calendar if no registers are appearing today because incorrect dates were set up for holidays or inset days.

In this example, an insets days were put in for the 2nd and 3rd September, but we've decided students should have classes on this day.



To amend the academic calendar, click the red button to mark it as incomplete.



Click the item that you would like to amend. In my example, I am going to amend the inset days. In the slide over, click Edit.



You can then take further actions such as changing the inset day to a different date, or removing it entirely.



Having removed the unwanted inset days, my academic calendar now looks like this.




Step 4 - Check your timetabled sessions

If you don't have any scheduled registers, and your academic calendar is correct, this means you may not have scheduled your lessons to start on the right date.

How to fix this for primaries

Go to School > Programmes > This year Courses.



Select a class. In the Classes & Lessons section, I can see that classes are scheduled to begin on the start on the 4th of September, but I actually need them to start at the start of term.



To amend the dates, click on the first scheduled class and click the Edit button.



Change the Effective Date to start on the right day, then click Save Changes.



Confirm your changes by clicking Yes.



The date will then change for the first scheduled class.



You must then repeat this process for each session in this class, then return to the This year Courses page to repeat this for all of your registration forms.


How to fix this for secondaries

Go to School > Timetable > Timetable Administration > Timetable Slots.

Here in this example, I can see that I have scheduled my classes to start on the 6th of September, but I actually need them to start at the start of term.

Select all the timetable slots to amend, then click the Bulk action button and choose Edit Effective Dates.



In the slide over, change the effective dates to reflect your correct start date. Tick the box to confirm your change, then click Save Changes.



Make sure you'll have meal registers today

If you have completed Step 2 or 3, you will have to open your meal registers manually. Meal registers open at 4 am each morning, so any new meals required after this time will not be automatically opened. 

For example, I have no registers showing today, and I realise this is because I have wrongly set my Easter Break to start today. I then amend my holiday dates using the process outlined above. As it is past 4 am, I know I now have to open my meal registers manually for today.

To do this go to School > Meals > Daily Summary. Click the green Open Register button at the bottom right of the screen. The register will then be open.

Repeat this action for each meal you have for today by clicking each tab at the top of the page, and clicking the green Open Register button for each.



Step 5 - Check you've enrolled your students

If none of the above steps works, it may be that you haven't enrolled students in your Courses & Classes. 

There are multiple ways to do this:

  • If you know a certain cohort of students will take all the same courses, you can automatically enrol them using Teaching Groups.
  • Add automatic enrolments from a particular course, so anyone enrolled in the original course will automatically be enrolled into the other course.
  • Bulk enrol students using an imported spreadsheet. Enrol your students in bulk manually. To do this, go to School > Programmes > Next Year Courses > Table View. Click on the course, then click the Enrol Students button.

You can see how to do each option in this article: Enrol students into lesson registers in bulk

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