Guardian Contact Details and Numbers reports

If you'd like to report on more contact details than can be seen in our in-built guardian contact detail reports, you can use the reports below.

  • For all guardians emergency phone numbers in order of priority, use our All Guardians Emergency Contact Numbers Report Template.
  • For more Primary Guardian contact details, use our Primary Guardians Contact Details Report Template.
  • For a detailed report of guardian details, use the All Contacts By Student Report Template.

All Guardians Emergency Contact Numbers Report

Click the link at the bottom of this article to download the report template. Do not open the template. You can then import it into your site by following these instructions: Importing a report



Primary Guardians Contact Details Report Template

To create a report on primary guardian contact details, click to create a new report and select the Parent Contact Details template.



Select the date range, and add any additional columns if needed. Click Skip setup wizard to save and view your report.



You can then see primary guardian details.



All Contacts by Student

Click the link at the bottom of this article to download the report template. Do not open the template. You can then import it into your site by following these instructions: Importing a report

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