Behaviour and Intervention Migration FAQ

This article covers common queries regarding the migration of Behaviour and Interventions into the Arbor MIS. If you cannot find an answer to your query here, check our dedicated section of the Help Centre on these topics here.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

Do we migrate Behaviour Points?

We don't migrate behaviour point awards into Arbor from your previous MIS provider. This means that if you stored positive behaviour as Achievement in SIMS (for example Star of the Week Awards), this will not be migrated to Arbor.

Please see our guidance here if you wish to log behaviour points from your previous system: How can we log Historic behaviour points?

Do we migrate Behaviour Incidents?

We migrate logs of behaviour incidents from SIMS, Integris, Progresso and CMIS, so if you used behaviour incidents to track positive and negative behaviour, these will both have migrated.

SIMS Behaviour Initiatives will migrate into Behaviour Notes.

However, we don't migrate things associated with incidents, such as follow-ups or actions taken.

How do I log historic Incidents?

This article explains how to add incidents if you want to log past positive incidents: Logging, editing and resolving Behaviour Incidents

Please note that when logging behaviour incidents, you can only select current students and groups. This means you won't be able to select:

  • Students who have left your school
  • Groups of students (such as year groups, registration forms or Custom Groups of students from last academic year)

You can only add historical incidents for students who have or had an enrolment into the current academic year.

How do we migrate Interventions or Alternative Curriculums?

We don't migrate Alternative Curriculums in SIMS to Interventions in Arbor. Alternative Curriculums will be migrated as Courses and Classes. You will need to:

  1. Delete the Courses: Deleting a course or class
  2. Set any ongoing Alternative Curriculums up as Interventions: Interventions

We don't migrate Interventions from any other MIS providers. This is because different schools manage these in different areas (such as for SEN provisions), so we aren't able to map them consistently.

How do we migrate Detentions?

  • We migrate details of when the detention took place (session start and end times), the Detention type (Before school, after school etc) and the detentions that students have had from SIMS.
  • We migrate detention totals for Bromcom and Integris

Please note that we only migrate detention details for the current academic year, so you won't be able to view historic detention sessions. If you need to set up detentions, please see this article.

How do we migrate Exclusions and Suspensions?

Suspensions (previously called Fixed Period Exclusions) in Arbor are migrated from the Suspensions area in your previous system.

  • We migrate timetabled sessions, Internal and Permanent exclusions and Suspensions logged for students from SIMS, Bromcom and Integris. 
  • We migrate Permanent exclusions and Suspensions logged for students from Progresso, CMIS and ScholarPack.
  • We also migrate Lunchtime Suspensions from SIMS only.

For any migrated Suspensions, the number of sessions missed can't be viewed on the student profile. You need to go to Students > Behaviour > Suspensions to edit it and choose which sessions are missed using these instructions: Editing the Suspension.

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