Clubs, Trips, Meals, and Payments Migration FAQ

This article covers common questions regarding the migration of activities, meals, and payments into Arbor. If you cannot find an answer to your query in this article, check the dedicated section of our Help Centre here.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

How do we migrate Trips, Clubs, or Wraparound Care (breakfast club or after-school club)

don't migrate this information from any MIS provider, and it is not possible to import these details.

You will first need to:

  1. Set up card payments in Arbor to take payments via card: Setting up Card Payments in Arbor
  2. Set up any Trips, Clubs or Wraparound Care in Arbor - take a look at this article for which we recommend for different uses

To set the initial balances:

Do we migrate Meals?

We don't migrate Meals from any MIS provider.

You will need to:

If you have balances you'd like to bring over from your Cashless Catering system, you can see our guidance on how to integrate with Civica or Live Register.

Do we migrate payment details and account balances?

We don't migrate payment information or account balances from any MIS provider.

You will need to:

To see how to bring over balances for clubs and trips, please see this article: Do we migrate Trips, Clubs or Wraparound Care (breakfast club or after-school club)

If you have balances you'd like to bring over from your Cashless Catering system, you can see our guidance on how to integrate with Civica or Live Register.

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