Why can't I import my exam results file?

When importing results into Arbor, you might see some errors preventing you from importing the file.

Step 1 - Try resolving the errors

Follow the onscreen instructions carefully to resolve the errors before proceeding. You can see what to do here: What are the errors we can get when importing?



'UCI mismatch’ error

Please follow the instructions here: UCI mismatch

'Results file not Imported' error

Please check the file name - you may need to:

  • Rename the file: There is a number at the end of the file name such as (1). Remove the number at the end, then try again.
  • Rename to .X01, X02, X03 or the next available number, then try again.
  • Make sure the file is a results file with a file name that begins with an R.

Step 2 - Try reimporting the file

Once you have corrected any errors you need to with the file, you can try to upload it again.

Go to Students > Examinations > Results Administration > Results Import. Click the import, then the Reverse results import button at the bottom of the page.

Once you confirm the deletion you'll be taken back to the Results Import page where you can reimport the corrected file.


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