Mark a profile as Deceased

This article explains the process of marking a staff member, student, or guardian as deceased in the system, including the necessary permissions, steps to mark the profile, and additional actions required afterwards.


  • In order to mark a student as deceased, you will need the permission Student Profile: Identity: Administer All Students.
  • For staff, you will need, Staff Profile: All Staff: View Basic HR Details and Staff Profile: All Staff: Basic HR Administration
  • For Guardians, you will need Student Profile: Guardians: Administer All Students

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Marking as deceased

Go to their profile and click on Date of Birth in the Identity section.



Click the Mark as Deceased button. 



Fill in the Date of death or tick Date of death unknown.

Select whether to unsubscribe the student's guardians from communications relating to that child.

  • This will prevent Mail Merge communications and automatic communications being sent to them.
  • You can still send communications to the guardians directly from their profile, or by selecting their name as a recipient. 
  • They won't be unsubscribed from communications relating to other students in the school they are a guardian for.

Then click Mark as deceased.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 14.38.26.png


A pop-up will ask you to confirm for the final time that you wish to mark this profile as deceased as this cannot be undone in the Date of birth field on the profile.

It will then show on their profile under the Identity section that they are Deceased



Edit or undo

You can edit this by clicking on it and clicking Edit.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 14.42.19.png


To undo marking them as deceased, remove the Date of death and make sure the tick box is unticked, then click Save Changes.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 14.42.39.png


What else needs to be done?

Please note that marking someone as deceased will not remove them from your school. You would also need to take further actions:

Please note that students' Primary Guardian(s) will still have access to their student profile on the Parent Portal and Parent App until the end of the academic year, and this won't show the student as deceased.

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