To calculate a percentage for staff absence, use our template and then calculate the overall number.
Step 1 - Create the report
Click the link at the bottom of this article to download the report template. Do not open the template. You can then import it into your site by following these instructions: Importing a report
Looking at the staff template, we can see my school has 95 current staff members.
Step 2 - View staff absence stats
Then you can use the staff absence statistics page to work out how many of those staff members had absences. To get to staff absences, go to School > All Staff > Staff Absences > Statistics (left side).
Make sure to check you have the correct date ranges, and see how many rows there are. From looking at this page, we can see there were 18 staff that had absences.
Step 3 - Calculate the figure
So to calculate the total percentage of staff who had absences is as follows:
18 (total staff with absences) divided by 95 (total current staff) multiplied by 100 = 19% of staff had absences this academic year.
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