Exporting DfE assessment results via CTF to send to the Primary Assessment Gateway or the LA

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Once all of the End of Key Stage or Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results have been entered, you can export the results via CTF to send to your LA or to the DfE.


You will need the General Admin: Export Data permission. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


You can go to one of two places:

  • Students > Assessments > DfE Assessments > Export Results
  • School > Data > Export > Assessment Results



Click +Add in the Current Assessment Results CTF Exports section and update the slide over with the data you want to export.

  • Export Type - Choose which test you want to export. It is important to note that each CTF is titled Partial CTF because these files will only contain the assessment results and are therefore not as detailed as a student CTF.
  • Destination - Here you need to choose whether the CTF will be sent to either the Local Authority or the Testing Agency.
  • Year Group - Leave this blank if you want all the students that took the test to be included. If you want to, for example, export your year 1 and year 2 Phonics Screening Check data separately, you would select Year 1 in this field.
  • Include only students enrolled on - This section automatically chooses the current date however you might have a student that has un-enrolled since the test was done. Make sure that the date reflects the enrolment date that includes all students who sat the test.
  • Only export the most recent assessment results - If you check this box we will only export the assessment results with the most recent dates. If it is unchecked we will export all results for the given export type. Make sure this is ticked when exporting Phonics, to exclude the students who took the test in Autumn.

When happy with the settings, click the green Export button.



The CTF will then show as processing. You'll receive a notification when this is ready to download.




If you refresh your page, the CTF will show as Ready for download. Click where it says Ready for download.



Scroll down to the bottom of the slide over and click Download.



You can locate your file once you have downloaded it by right-clicking the download at the bottom of your page. Do not open the file. In Windows, select the 'View in folder' option.

You'll then need to submit the file.


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