Completing the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)

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This article will show you how to complete the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP). You can see more information from the DfE on this here.

If you already filled in marks in summative or curriculum assessments

If you've set up EYFS assessments using these instructions, these marks won't automatically be copied across to your Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) in the DfE Assessment area. You'll need to use the process outlined below.

If you need to transfer marks across, you'll need to enter them or copy and paste them from one assessment to the other - you can manage this by clicking between tabs.


  • To set up and manage DfE Assessments you'll need the School: Assessments: Administer permission
  • To add marks in you'll need the School: Assessments: View permission or one of the Student Profile: Assessments: Administer All/My Students permissions.

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Setting up the assessment

Go to Students > Assessment > DfE Assessment. If the template has already been added, you'll see it under the academic year drop-down menu.



If it hasn't yet been added, click the green Load Assessment Template button in the top-right of the page. Select the Foundation Stage Profile template from the drop-down menu.



Return to your standardised assessment dashboard and click +Add to create a new assessment.



Fill in the slide over with the students who will be taking the assessment, and add a date.

Please do not set your assessment date in the year before the assessment takes place. This is to prevent issues when uploading the CTF file to the Primary Assessment Gateway, as they will not be able to process the file properly if the assessment date is not in the same year as the assessment is taking place.



Marking the assessment

Clicking the assessment will then allow you to edit the assessment, analyse the assessment data or input marks.




When inputting marks, click on the blank box to select a grade to input.



You can also bulk upload marks by ticking the box beside students who all have the same mark and clicking the Bulk action button to select the subject.



What marks can be used?

You can select between grades 1, 2 or A.

Please note that the Arbor Support Team is not able to advise which mark you should use. If you are unsure, please contact the DfE for clarification.



You can read more about grading in the Early adopter schools: EYFS profile handbook on page 19.



What's next?

To send off the results, follow this article: Exporting DfE assessment results via CTF. Remember when exporting your CTF:

  • Export Type - Choose the Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Year Group - Select Reception, or leave this part blank if you want all the students that took the test to be chosen.

To share the results with guardians, follow this article: Downloading End of Year Reports and sending them to guardiansRemember when creating your End of Year reports:

  • Select Foundation Stage Profile for the old framework.
  • Select Foundation Stage Profile (Early Adopter) for the new framework.
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