Remove extra redundant attendance marks after removing students from a class or your school

This article explains how to identify and remove redundant attendance marks for students who are no longer enrolled in a class or school. Redundant marks can skew attendance statistics and should be deleted or adjusted based on the student's enrollment status. The process for deleting these marks is outlined, emphasizing that it cannot be done in bulk and must be done individually through the student's profile.

Redundant marks are attendance marks that fall outside of the enrolment period for a student. You may find you have N or O codes show up in your reporting for students that never attended your school or whose enrolment was removed. For example, you'll have redundant marks if:

  • a student stops attending your school, but attendance marks are recorded for them. When their enrolment end date is back-dated, the attendance taken becomes redundant marks.
  • a student moves to a different class, or stops attending a class, but they are kept in the register. When the student is removed from the class, attendance marks put in for dates after their end date in the class become redundant marks.

What should we do with redundant marks?

Redundant marks contribute towards your overall attendance statistics (such as on your homepage), because they will be included in any reporting you do on Lesson Attendance.

Redundant marks will only be included in Statutory Attendance figures and output in the census if the student didn't have any other lesson attendance marks during the Roll Call time. In this case, the redundant marks will also show on student attendance certificates.

In all cases, we recommend removing redundant marks:

  • If the student was not registered at your school during the time period they have redundant marks for, you can delete the redundant marks (shown below).
  • If the student was registered at your school, you should edit their enrolment into your school so it covers the marks. You can go to the Enrolment section of their student profile and change their leaving date.



Deleting Redundant marks

Please note that it is not possible to delete redundant marks for multiple students at once in bulk.

If you are sure the marks need to be deleted, go to the student's profile. Use the left-hand menu to go to Attendance > Marks (By Date) > Redundant marks tab.

Select all the marks, then click the Bulk action button to Delete Redundant Marks.



Confirm your deletion. The student will then only have attendance marks for the time period they were enrolled into your school for.



When you return to the page, the redundant marks tab will be gone.


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