Can parents pay for a trip after it takes place?

Parents and guardians in some cases are able to make payments for trips after the trip has taken place, and after the sign-up time period has ended. We don't allow guardians to make payments in all scenarios to prevent guardians from signing their child up when they did not attend.

Once the trip has started, guardians can only make payments through the Parent Portal or Arbor App if:

  • The guardian already paid enough to take the student over the confirmation threshold
  • The student has been manually confirmed on the trip by an administrator

If either of these have happened, it is not possible to prevent them from making payments.

Guardians cannot make payments through the Parent Portal or Arbor App if:

  • The full amount has already been paid, or if the trip has Voluntary Contribution enabled
  • The student's participation in the trip was cancelled
  • The student is only eligible for the trip, but not confirmed

See this article for how to enable payments for students who have not paid yet: Parents can't sign up and pay for the trip

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