Operational Reporting: School MIS

Aimed at Headteachers and Senior Leaders, this session will teach you how to report on key areas in Arbor.

Delivered in a 1-1 setting, a Customer Education Specialist will take you through the relevant areas of Arbor to report on key statistics and help you to create bespoke reports.

Session Title Description/Content Approx Duration Recommended Attendees
School Reporting

This session will give you an overview of the in-built reporting functionality in Arbor, including:

Enrolment Statistics, Year Group Reporting, Registration Group Reporting, Student Demographic Reports, Derived Indicator Reports and Medical Reports.

45 mins Headteacher, SLT
Custom Groups & User Defined Fields

This session will enable you to create Custom Groups within Arbor, including how to use these custom groups within different areas of Arbor.

In addition, the reporting specialist will show you how to create, update and report on User Defined Fields.

45 mins Headteacher, SLT
  15 mins
Custom Report Writer and Extended Custom Report Writer Workshop

This session will guide users through the Custom Report Writer to create bespoke reports.

This session includes: choosing and identifying data sets available, creating a Custom Report, adding conditional formatting, adding filters, adding groups, adding calculations, importing, exporting and scheduling reports. In addition, it will cover using mail merge, Live Feeds and complex filters.

Please share any specific reports you would like ahead of the training to your trainer and they will choose at least one report to create during this session as they train you.


90 mins Headteacher, SLT

Final Q&A

15 mins Headteacher, SLT
How to Book

Already purchased?

All purchased training will be available to access via the Arbor Training Hub.

Please read this guide on how to login and access training via the Hub. For this service please follow the 1-1 Training (Behaviour, Assessments) guidance and search for Operational Reporting.

Not purchased this yet?

Please contact your Account Manager or email accountmanagers@arbor-education.com for more information or to purchase this training. Alternatively, you can simply click the button below to submit a request direct with our Account Management team:

Additional Information

Permissions required for this training:

To be able to complete the actions demonstrated in the training you will need the following permissions:

  • Custom Group: Administer - to set up new custom groups, manage alert settings and manage the people in the custom group
  • Custom Group: View - to receive custom group alerts (if specified in the setup) and view basic information about the custom group
  • User Defined Fields: Setup - to set up UDFs and manage the permissions needed to view and input data into UDFs in bulk
  • School: General Admin: Export Data - to create and view Custom Reports

Check you have these permissions by going to your profile and clicking Roles and Permissions > Permissions. For how to assign permissions, click here.

Useful guides related to this training:

In-built Demographics Reporting
Create and Use Custom Groups
Setting Up and Managing User Defined Fields
Introduction to the Custom Report Writer

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