The article explains the migration process for medical institutions and linked agencies in Arbor, detailing what data is transferred from various systems and how to manage additional information if needed.
Doctors and Medical practices
- We migrate Medical institution names and students linked to these institutions from SIMS, Bromcom, CMIS and Integris.
- We also migrate contact details (email address and phone number), and staff for these institutions from Bromcom.
If you need to add any details in that have not migrated, please follow our guidance:
- See how to manage your GPs and medical practices: Manage my school's Medical Institutions
- See how to link a student to a Medical Institution: Linking Doctor's Medical Practice information to a student
Linked Agencies and Agents
We migrate external agency names, email addresses, phone numbers and links to students from SIMS only.
For other institutions that are not Medical institutions, we do not migrate Linked Agencies or Linked Agents into Arbor.
For example, we do not migrate Medical Institutions from ScholarPack, as these are stored as student contacts instead. This means doctors would be linked to student profiles.
If you need to record if a student has a Social Worker for example, you can see how to do this here: Recording details of external agency involvement
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