
Chloe Hughes
Donations or voluntary payments
Whether you choose to use the School Shop or a Customer Account Type to manage fundraising donations, you'll need to keep an eye on your Payments Report to see when a payment has been made, as you ...
Seeing attendance for a particular course or subject
This can be used when you want to see the attendance for a particular course (e.g. English Set 1). Go to School > Programmes > Courses. Click + next to the course name to bring down the modules. Ke...
Alerts for safeguarding notes on My Homepage
This article explains how staff can manage and receive alerts for Safeguarding Notes on their homepage, detailing the necessary permissions for recording, deleting, and viewing these notes. It also...
Download a statement of entry to Excel
Follow this article to download entries as an excel document. If you want to download into PDF or share statements of entries in bulk, follow this article. Individually from the Student Profile Go ...
Why can't I edit a trip?
If the trip has already started, you will not be able to edit it. This will mean you can not click on and edit anything in the Trip Details section. There isn't a way to reverse this. If you have a...
Can I give a parent an invoice or receipt showing they have paid?
This article explains how to provide parents with proof of payment through screenshots and invoices in Arbor. It details the steps to view payments, download invoices, and take screenshots for vari...
Where do I set my Published Admission Numbers (PAN)?
This article explains how to set the Published Admission Numbers (PAN) for a specific intake season in the system. Users must first set up their intake season and then navigate to the Applicants ...
Why does my Pay Scale show as 'No longer in Use'?
A pay scale shows as 'No longer in Use' if its end date is in the past. To reactivate it, edit the end date in the HR Admin section. Permissions are required to make changes, and if the pay scale...
Why are old staff or students showing in the search bar?
This article explains why former staff or students may still appear in the Global Search bar. It outlines the necessary steps to ensure their enrolment or employment has been properly ended and cla...
Downloading files from Arbor and adding Unique Identifiers to exports
This article explains how to download data from Arbor in various formats, customize exports with unique identifiers for students and staff, and manage permissions for downloading data. It details t...