Seeing today's AM or PM registers on the Daily Attendance dashboard

You can view your attendance by going to Students > Attendance. This will give you an overview of all the registers for the current AM or PM session. 

At the top of the page, you can use the filters to select past time slots to view or choose to only view registers for one type of event e.g. interventions.




Once the register is opened, the Daily Attendance page provides a summary of how many students are present, late and absent. You’ll see in the Marks column, that you can see some icons with numbers next to them:

  • The green tick shows the number of students marked present
  • The yellow clock shows the number of students marked late
  • The red cross shows the number of students marked absent



Click on a register to view details, update specific marks or access the teacher lesson overview. 




Can I view both AM and PM registers at the same time?

No, this page only enables you to view you Am or your PM registers. To see all of the registers for a day, you can use the Registers by Date page: Seeing all registers on a certain date

Why are PM sessions showing in the AM or AM sessions showing in the PM?

Usually, you can only see the morning registers and then in the afternoon, the afternoon registers on the Daily Attendance page. However, if your roll call times don't match the lesson start times, you may also see afternoon sessions in the morning and vice versa.

If you have a PM lesson showing in the AM, your roll call time will be set to after the lesson has begun. This means the lesson is categorised as an AM period because it starts before the afternoon roll call time starts.

You could choose to set your afternoon roll call time to be the same as your lesson time to resolve this. You can see more information on roll call times and how to edit them here


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