Viewing sent, received and failed communications and sending follow-ups

This article outlines how to use the Communications Log to see what communications were sent and when, including whether they were sent and received successfully.

Top Tip: Not all communications show in all Communication Logs: Which communications show in the different Communication Logs?


Viewing sent communications

Using the Whole School Communication Log

Go to School > Communications > All School Communications. This will take you to the Whole School Communications Log which will allow you to:

  • view all communications types via the left-hand menu.
  • view any communication sent to and from your school - these are displayed showing the most recent first.
  • send additional emails, letters and SMS communications

Clicking into each communication type provides a more compact and filtered view of what has been sent out, be it emails, SMS, letter etc.

You can see the name of the staff member who has sent an email or SMS (both single and mail merge) on behalf of the school by clicking the message.



Seeing a log of sent emails, colour coding and sending follow-up communications

Go to School > Communications > All school communications > Email to see all individual emails your school has sent during the current academic year. It will not merge emails that were created from the same template at the same time.

Click a message to display whether it has sent or failed to send.



To view merged emails, go to School > Communications > Emails > Sent emails.



More information can be viewed by selecting one of the emails. This will display the email, a full list of its recipients and whether each email has sent or failed.

Please note that the recipients list here is in random order.



Send a follow-up email, SMS or in-app message to recipients of your email by selecting the tick boxes next to the people you want to follow up with, and clicking the Bulk action button. This will open a new Mail Merge with the people you've selected in the To field.

  • Dark green Delivered to the recipient's email server
  • Light green - We’ve sent the email but haven’t received confirmation of delivery, or confirmation of failure yet
  • Orange - The email address is valid and we’ve tried to send a message to it, but it has failed for an unknown reason (such as high spam filters)
  • Red - Fail. There is a problem with the email address so we haven’t been able to send the message at all (e.g. there is no email address)


Seeing a log of sent SMS, colour coding and sending follow-up communications

Go to School > Communications > All school communications > Outbound SMS to see all individual SMS messages the school has sent for the current academic year. It will not merge messages that were created from the same template at the same time.

Click a message to display whether it has sent or failed to send.



To view merged messages, go to School > Communications > SMS > Sent messages.



More information can be viewed by selecting one of the messages. This will display the message, a full list of its recipients and whether each email has sent or failed.

Send a follow-up email, SMS or in-app message to recipients of your SMS by selecting the tick boxes next to the people you want to follow up with, and clicking the Bulk action button. This will open a new Mail Merge with the people you've selected in the To field.

Please note that the recipients list here is in random order.



Here's what the colour-coding means:

  • Dark green Delivered
  • Light green - We’ve sent the message but haven’t received confirmation of delivery, or confirmation of failure yet
  • Orange - The number is valid and we’ve tried to send a message to it, but it has failed for an unknown reason (such as the phone was turned off)
  • Red - Fail. There is a problem with the mobile number so we haven’t been able to send the message at all (e.g. the number is not a real number)



Communications via the Student Profile

  • You can view communications associated with one student by finding the student and going to the Communication & Notes section from the left-hand side menu.
  • You can view communications associated with one guardian and their linked children by finding the guardian and going to the Communication & Notes section from the left-hand side menu.



You can click on 'All communication types' to filter communications to a specific type, for example emails or letters. If you select 'Emails' you will only see emails sent out regarding the student.


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