Local Authority Report - Capita One Export (B2B Open Student Export)

This report is an .xml file that can be automatically scheduled and shared with your local authority, or manually generated whenever you need.

Top Tip: If you can't automate the export, please see the 'I can't schedule the report' section at the bottom of this article.

Setting up the report schedule

Go to School > Data > Export > Capita One Export. 

Click into the Regular Scheduled Exports tab and click either Attendance or Full Export.



In the slide over, select how often the report should run, then click Save Changes.

  • Not Set - Change this back to Not Set to cease the schedule.
  • Daily
  • Last day of the week - last day of the school week, so if Friday is an inset day, it will run on Thursday.
  • Last day of the month - last good school day of the month.
  • Last day of the term - last good school day of the term.



You can then see when it's next scheduled to run.



You can also see the completed exports, and when it will run next on the Completed Exports tab.



Can we generate an Ad Hoc report?

Click into the Ad Hoc Scheduled Reports tab and click +Add.



In the slide over, choose:

  • The export type of Attendance or Full Export.
  • The time and date when the report should be generated.

Please note that it will not be sent until after 5:30pm (or the following day, if you schedule the report for after 5:30pm).



If you need to download the file, click on the export from the Completed Exports tab.




What time is data generated and sent?

Your scheduled reports will be generated at a randomly selected time between 4 and 5pm.

Once the reports are generated, they will be sent at or a little after 5.30pm (depending on the efficiency of the Capita One B2B software).

What data is included in the file?

By default, the Capita One Export only includes attendance for the current academic year. It also:

  • will include all students who have been enrolled at some point in the current Academic Year
  • only contains the student’s enrolment history for your school
  • uses the new format of multiple reasons for exclusions

If your school has academised, students’ entry dates reflect your school’s new opening date.

Can we change the date range of the report?

It is not possible to set the dates for what data to include, as this report acts as a 'snapshot' in time.

Can we create a partial changes file?

It is not possible to product a changes-only file - each file sent is a complete data file.

Can we output enrolment notes?

Go to the General Settings tab and click into this field. Change the slide over, then click Save Changes.

  • If Use destination school only for Destination is selected, we will use the student's destination school, as recorded in their educational history.
  • If the other option is selected, we will use the note recorded against the student's school enrolment as the output for the 'Destination' node in the export. We will also use the destination school as above, but as the character limit for this field in the Capita One export is 60 characters, we may not be able to fit both the note and the destination school in. In that case, the note would take preference.



I can't schedule the report

If you aren't able to schedule reports, and your page looks like the screenshot below (missing the middle tabs), please contact your LA.

Once the instructions below have been completed, we'll enable your scheduling functionality.



You can still generate an ad hoc report by clicking +Add.



Click the export to download it. You'll then need to send it to your LA.



What do LAs need to do to enable automatic scheduling?

This cannot be completed by schools, it must be completed by the LA.

  1. The LA will need to get in contact with us by emailing api@arbor-education.com.
  2. We will then send them a form to complete with their endpoint and credential details.
  3. The LA has sent this information to us, we'll enable the scheduling functionality.

If your LA requires more information about this setup, they can access more information on Capita's website (you will need to log in to view the article).

Error message: Error encountered when queuing the file for automatic export

You may see an error in the Completed Exports section highlighted in orange.

If this happens, you can either wait for the next scheduled export, or you can generate a manual export.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 09.38.30.png

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