Setting up and inputting marks into End of Key Stage 1 (KS1) and 2 (KS2) DfE standardised Teacher Assessments

Important: DfE Statutory Assessment from 23/24 onwards

In line with DfE guidance, End of Key Stage 1 (KS1) Teacher Assessments are no longer required to be collected or reported.

There are no changes in the DfE Assessment area in Arbor. If you won't be administering KS1 assessments, do not set them up.

All other assessments (KS2, Phonics, MTS and EYFSP) continue to be statutory and required.


When should we set up our assessments?

When setting up your assessments, you can select an assessment date. Please do not set your assessment date as the year before the assessment takes place. For example, if the assessment is taking place this academic year, do not put the date of the assessment in last academic year.

This is to prevent issues when uploading the CTF file to the Primary Assessment Gateway, as they will not be able to process the file properly if the assessment date is not in the same year as the assessment is taking place.

Please log the assessment as taking place when the actual assessment will be conducted..

How long will it take?

  • Setup - 5 minutes
  • Marking - varies depending on the number of students


  • To set up and manage DfE Assessments you'll need the School: Assessments: Administer permission
  • To add marks in you'll need the School: Assessments: View permission or one of the Student Profile: Assessments: Administer All/My Students permissions.

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Setting up the assessment

Go to Students > Assessments > DfE Assessments.

  • If the template has already been added, you'll see it under the academic year drop-down menu.
  • If it hasn't yet been added, click the green Load Assessment Template button in the top-right of the page.



Choose the correct template from the drop-down menu - you can type in Teacher Assessment to narrow down your search.



Return to your standardised assessment dashboard and click +Add to create a new assessment.



Fill in the slide over with the students who will be taking the assessment, the date the assessment takes place and whether the assessment is for students with SEN only.



Clicking the assessment will then allow you to edit the assessment or input marks.



Marking the assessment

When you click Input marks, you'll be taken to the marksheet. Click on the blank box to select a grade to input.



You can also bulk upload marks by ticking the box beside students who all have the same mark and clicking the Bulk action button to select the subject.



What marks can be used?

Please note that the Arbor Support Team is not able to advise which mark you should use. If you are unsure, please contact the DfE for clarification.

You can find details of the marks available in these assessments by downloading the DfE's Assessment component files.

You can also find further guidance for teachers here: Teacher assessment codes

Top Tip: Q is a valid grade, but we would expect that it would not be used by teachers.



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