Downloading End of Year Reports and sending them to guardians

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This article explains how to download End of Year Reports for students and share them with parents or guardians. It outlines two options: using Report Cards for DfE statutory assessment data or downloading individual or bulk End of Year Reports in PDF format. It also details how to share these reports, noting that parents cannot access them through the Parent Portal or App.

Once all of the End of Key Stage or Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results have been entered, and your KS2 and MTC results imported, you can create reports for parents.

Please note that it is only possible to edit the visual formatting of Custom Report Cards, not the other options.

Option 1 - Use Report Cards

You can set up a report card to show DfE statutory assessment data from this year or previous academic years.

You can then share these with parents or students via email, or through the Parent or Student Portal.



Option 2 - Using our End of Year Reports

Using this option, you can download the results, per student, via PDF.

Downloading End of Year Reports

Go to Students > Assessments > DfE Assessments > Export Results. Click the End Of Year Reports button on the right-hand side of the page.



Use the Bulk generate reports section to download a report for an entire year group, or use the Download report for single student section to create an individual report.

  • Academic Year - select the year the students took the assessment.
  • Year group - which year you want to generate reports for. Select the year group they were at the time of taking the assessment
  • Report type - Select which assessment to output from Phonics, End of KS1 or KS2, EYFS or the MTC.



An individual report will download right away, but you'll need to wait for a notification to download reports in bulk.



Click the notification to download the reports.



You can then open them.



Here's an example report.



Here's another EYFSP report.



And an example of the Multiplication Tables Check.



Sharing the End of Year Reports with parents and guardians

Parents cannot see these reports in the Parent Portal or Parent App.

You'll need to download each report individually, or split the bulk PDF using an external tool. You then have a few options to share them:

  1. Use our External Report Cards feature.
  2. Upload passwords or links into Arbor as User-defined fields and create a custom report, then send the details to students via a Mail Merge email.
  3. Share them outside of Arbor using email from a Sharepoint.

Please note we are unable to support with third-party systems.

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